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Noi immediately sprints out of the throne room the moment Balan decided to let him go. He keeps on running aimlessly without looking back and just tries to be as far away from the perverted vampire as possible.

Honestly, while he was in the middle of sprinting for his dear life, Noi wishes he can be much further away as possible from Balan, like not on the same property anymore and maybe, just maybe, burn down all of this so that heartless vampire can feel how heartbroken he was when the latter burns his precious Da Vincis.

Yes, Noi has a slight sadistic mind. Only mind, though.

Once he's already quite further away and his lungs feel like it's being barbecued by invisible fire, Noi stops running while panting as he tries to catch his breath. And wastes no time to continue cursing Balan inside his head at the same time.

That fucker! Who does he think he is?! Just because he's a vampire that is more powerful than humans, Balan dares to belittle Noi like that?! Such an obnoxious being!

The human boy wants to strangle that adonis of a man so bad, especially knowing that the honoured was the mastermind that made him got nothing left in his possession.

And Noi can't help but feel offended as well. How dare that pale-face perverted man destroyed all of his things because he thinks that Noi stink? Does the smell of his body odour is so bad that Balan needs to do all of these rude things to him? Noi can bet all of his leftover art supplies at home that nobody on this surface of the earth can outmatch Balan as the rudest host ever.

Such an improper royal he is!

But before Noi can even steady his own heartbeat and finish his monologue cussing inside his head, a voice interrupts him, "Well, isn't that went well for you, Nong!"

Noi flinched in surprise as the young vampire that he left earlier had magically stood beside him, "Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me, Tao!"

The bunny-teeth boy gasps as his innocent-looking hazel eyes go wide, "N'Noi! You should be careful to not utter out anyone's name randomly like that! P'In is very possessive."

Noi frowns in confusion, "What the hell are you talking about, Tao? Stop joking around."

"I'm not joking around. Didn't you see how annoyed P'In was when you mentioned Leonardo Da Vinci? So you better stop calling other people's names. And besides," The young vampire claps his hands excitedly while bouncing like a bunny he is, "Don't you feel excited? You will have a beautiful collar around your neck! And it'll be custom made too! How do you think the collar would look?"

Noi squints his doe-eyes irritatingly, "Am I supposed to be happy with that information? You're definitely out of your mind, Tao."

The young vampire tilts his head confusedly, "Aw. Why won't you feel happy about it?"

The human boy rolls his eyes and states the obvious, "He basically treated me like a dog!"

"Well, I don't think so. You heard what P'In had said, right? He didn't treat you like a dog. If he is, you would've been eating on the floor, you know?"

"But he's planning to give me a fucking collar, Tao! He didn't treat me as a human being!" Noi protests.

Tao shrugs and tries to defend Balan's action, "Well we are not humans, to begin with, Noi. What do you expect? And besides, just be grateful that P'In is a very patient person. He tolerates all of your outburst already." the young vampire grins and shows the bunny-teeth between the fangs, "Good job on that by the way! You've managed to incite his interest!"

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