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It has been a while since Tao is able to touch his sweetheart freely like this. And it has been a while since he's able to taste the tangy yet sweet blood of his lover. The bunny-teeth boy eagerly sunk his fangs as he tangled his legs to wrap around the other's waist as the arms of his lover support him by wrapping the muscular pair around his waist and the latter tilt the head further, allowing more space for Tao to drink.

But because Lambert being a second-generation, his super-sensitive hearing is able to faintly catch the series of moaning and sobbing 2 floors above them, meaning the sound came from Balan's room in the tower above as his room is directly under it. Hence, he's able to hear the new pet's distress that obviously mixes with pleasure. Lambert let out a sigh as he lifts his lover up and front-carries the latter in his arms.

Tao, who's aware that he's being carried, release his bite and look at Lambert in puzzled, "Why are you standing up? Where are we going?"

Lambert fixes his hold and places one of his hands under Tao and shrugs, "Yngvarr's new pet is being loud. I think it's best to just move to your room so I won't be able to hear him."

Hearing the reason, Tao pouts cutely, "That's why I told you to just move to my room! Your hypersensitive hearing is so problematic! It often disturbs our moment, you know!"

"Well, I can't just move out from here just in case Yngvarr needs me. I won't be able to hear when he calls me later if I move to your room." Lambert reasons out as he walks casually towards Tao's room. He doesn't use his vampire ability to stride as he doesn't see any point to use it when there are no servants around to see them. Not that he'll be embarrassed if they did see them anyway. The servants are so used to seeing their intimate moments to the point it's not a shameless act to do in front of others.

"But he always calls you for the silliest reason! Playing chess? Stargazing? Singing or reading books together?! What are both of you, a couple of old men?!" Tao protests as he tightens his hold around his lover's neck while pouting adorably.

"Well, technically we are if you put it that way," Lambert chuckles, "Yngvarr's just lonely. Don't be so jealous of him."

Tao pouts deeper, "I'm not jealous! Why would I be jealous of that old man?! Besides, you won't be able to top P'In anyway if you even try. You'll only be able to top me!" he says proudly.

The declaration earns a chuckle from Lambert as he hums in agreement, "Mm, I know. Because you are the only one for me in eternity. I'm yours forever and ever, my little bunny."

Tao smiles and gives a quick peck to the bow-shaped lips as he happily hums back while showing the adorable bunny teeth to the latter, "Of course. You're now stuck with me forever and ever, my big bad wolf."




As the bright sun has fully seen out of the horizon, 2 figures are currently sitting on top of the spacious king-sized canopy bed with the tanner ones are slightly bend his figure, facing his back to the latter as most of his lower body to be on top of the paler ones. Their body has just successfully connected to each other as the honoured let out a satisfied sigh, for doing such a good job of stretching the heavenly hole without tearing it like last time. Now, his erected member has been successfully inside the latter and feel the warmth of the human through the inner wall.

"Well, that wasn't so bad, right? It's not that hard to stretch you after all if we use lube like Tao had said," Balan states as his hand goes around and into the latter's shirt, fondling Noi's flat chest as the other grips the slender waist, preventing the human boy to detach himself.

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