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After taking a rest for another couple of days, Noi's finally heal and is now able to walk without any difficulty, credits to Balan for taking care of those pretty feet tenderly.

So because of that, the human boy is allowed to go visit the market tonight and is accompanied by Tao and a maid to help to carry the purchases later on. They will be chauffeured by Oliver, who will drive and wait for them using one of Balan's expensive cars.

Dressed in Balan's oversized clothes, Noi stands on the front porch while facing the honoured who is now pouting in concentration and busily buttoning the front of his jacket. Once it's done, the vampire takes a few steps back to see Noi's appearance and smile in satisfaction at how adorable his little lamb looks, "You look comfy."

The human boy just nods as deep within his heart, appreciating that he's allowed to wear a proper set of clothes instead of a nightgown to go outside. Even though Noi still needs to tighten the belt around his much slimmer waist since Balan's still a few sizes bigger. Given that now is in the middle of a chilly night, it is fair for Noi to wear something warm so he won't get sick.

Balan then briefly turn back and take a pair of sneakers that was carried by Hans behind him, then face the human boy again as he kneels down and put on the pair on Noi's socked feet, "We should protect those pretty feet of yours. Don't want my effort to go to waste."

Even though Noi knows that the sneaker must've belonged to someone else, considering that the size is definitely bigger than him, Noi's can't hide the blush that spreads on his cheek for knowing how Balan seems to care about him. At this point, Noi will think that this man might've had a fetish on his feet if the latter keeps on caring for them.

"Y-you should stop saying my feet are pretty." Noi mumble.

"Why not?" Balan replies as he stands up and smiles back to the blushing boy, "They indeed are pretty though."

The compliment manages to make Noi's cheeks reddening more as he stutteringly bid farewell, "W-whatever. I'll be off now."

"Wait," Balan briefly said and the held make Noi look at him confusedly. Not asking any permission, Balan quickly plants a kiss on Noi's adorable cheek then gaze at the widen doe-eyes and smiles so brightly, "Enjoy your time."

Noi blinks his doe-eyes rapidly and let out a series of tiny nods, then turns back and runs to the small group that had been patiently waiting for him.

They go into the car and drives off as Balan's eyes still tailing on the vehicle until it is not visible anymore. He then felt another presence beside him and immediately recognize who it belongs to, "What is it, Lambert?"

"Allan Anson's dead." the offspring replies as the information gain the honoured's attention. Lambert then continues to relay the information, "His rotting corpse was found underneath the usual cliff by our scavengers. What should we do with the body?"

So, it is indeed useful to let a serial killer rampaging around his territory after all. Since Balan and his people is bound to not be able to hurt whoever has Anson's blood, letting someone else do the deed is indeed gives an advantage to him.

Balan takes a pause to think of a solution, then replies without even have the slightest guilt as he indirectly helps Allan met his demise, "Since we can't eat his body, just give him a proper burial in the village's graveyard."

Even though Anson's are not vampires, their blood is deemed poisonous since one of the ancestors on their paternal side is a vampire. Balan doesn't want to risk the safety of his villagers by consuming such contaminated meat. Besides, The King has sent the human sacrifices from the capital and is expected to arrive tonight.

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