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Noi doesn't really know how to feel right now. After being given an example of how to clean his hole properly by Balan, ruthlessly if he might say. Well I mean, Noi should still at least give a credit since the honoured did it gently. But the length of the time the vampire's finger is inside and messing his inner wall is... Oh my god.

Noi quickly hides his reddening face on top of the pillow as he lay on his stomach on the king-sized canopy bed. He really wants to cry in shame whenever his mind wanders back to their recent shower memory. But he held it in since the honoured is still in the chamber, sitting beside him on the bed while shamelessly sniffing Noi's sore butt as the tip of the pointy nose seldomly graze his bum. Balan's pale hands also gently caress one of his asscheeks while humming in content, satisfied since the vampire has managed to clean his hole spotless. The thin fabric of the nightgown doesn't really help Noi to feel the undead heat that emits from Balan's wide palm.

The human boy finally had enough and decides to stop the creepy and perverted act, turning around to slap the veiny hand that is still on one of his asscheeks and nag, "Stop acting like a creep! It's already sore enough because your thick finger kept on messing around inside!"

"But it smells so clean!" Balan exclaims as he pouts while rubbing the knuckle that Noi had just slapped earlier, "I never thought that part will be able to smell that good."

Noi's eyes widen as he curses in shame and was about to position himself to sit, ready to hit this perverted old yet dazzlingly handsome vampire with the pillow he had just laid on, but stop as the unattended but dried wounds on his feet accidentally grazed the sheet, "Ow!"

The honoured quickly notice this and turns around, opening the drawer on the nightstand and take out the first-aid kit. He then goes back to face Noi and motions with his hand, asking the latter to show the wounded feet, "Let me tend it."

Instead of doing what Balan asked him to do, Noi frown as he never expected that a vampire will have that kind of kit, "Why do you have that?"

"Ask later, Noi. Just follow and let me treat it." Balan orders as he repeats the gesture again.

"No way. Let me do it," Noi demands and sticks out his hand, "I doubt you won't bite me."

"I won't," Balan replies and repeat the same gesture the third time, "Now give me your feet."

Noi was about to let out another protest but the honoured beat to it, "If you keep on being stubborn and don't give me your feet on three, I will strip you and show your naked body to the servants. Now, one..."

The threat makes Noi's eyes widen in disbelief. Didn't Balan promise to treat him more humane? Then what's up with this? Did he lie? Did Balan seriously go to break his promise over this? Just because Noi doesn't want to be treated?


But Noi knows how heartless Balan is as, after all, the latter did show him while being molested in front of a bunch of strangers. So it won't be a surprise if the honoured did break the promise and carry out his threat.


Noi quickly swings one of his feet forward and drop it on Balan's lap as his chestnut lips pouting in annoyance. His doe-eyes silently send waves of anger which of course, looks adorable instead of scary for Balan. The honoured let out a satisfied smile and starts to tend his little lamb's injuries.

"Believe me that I do not want to make you cry again, Noi. So I beg of you to stop being stubborn and see anything that I do as negativity. I already promise that I will treat you better as long as you follow my order." Balan explains as he focuses on putting ointment on the wounds.

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