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"Here you go, Young Master Noi," Kevin, the over-energetic chef places a plate of medium-well cooked steak in front of the newly added family member of the house. Or more precisely, the new pet of the household.

But for a mere pet, Noi sure does receive special treatments from the others as he is, after all, Balan's favourite little lamb.

Even though the delicious smell of herbs and the meat has gone to invade Noi's nostrils, the human can't help but grimace a bit as he sees the meat juice that begins to pool on his plate. The discreet yet bad expression immediately caught by the cook as Kevin quickly tries to explain his creation while nervously hugging the tray to his chest, "Moose meat will be too tough if we cook it well-done, Young master."

"This is moose meat?!" Noi gasp as he exclaims in surprise to know the source of the meat come from, "You can eat a moose?! Is that even legal to eat a moose?! Is this even clean?!"

"Well, why not?" Tao chimed in as he enjoys his own raw moose steak, chewing happily as his hands are busy cutting the big chunk on the plate, "Your meat is already been cooked, Nong. So there's nothing to worry about. Besides," he briefly glances at the anticipating chef, then back to Noi as his hooded hazel eyes plead to the doe ones in front of him, "Why don't you try for Kevin's sake. Look, he's been waiting for your review."

The urge makes Noi briefly glance at the chef as the latter indeed shows a dark set of sparkly eyes towards him, anticipating what reaction he will get from the human boy. Noi awkwardly gulps his saliva, "Seems you're so eager to see my reaction."

The chef nods as he shyly pans down his gaze, "It has been my dream to be a chef, Young Master Noi. The other masters in this house don't require their meat to be cooked, so my task was always chopping meats into different parts and portions. And honestly," he leans closer to Noi and whispers, "It's kind of a boring job to do for 700 years."

"I can hear it, Kevin," Balan suddenly breaks his silence as his veiny hand twirl a mug with some kind of hot red liquid inside of it, which Noi can easily tell as blood since the tangy smell has been pricking his sense of smell. And the seating arrangement doesn't seem to be in his favour as well since he's currently seated by the right side of the head table, where Balan's spot is. The honoured then waves his hand to shoo away the aspired-to-be-chef as he feels the latter's getting annoying and ruined the taste of his warm blood.

"I apologize, Master Balan," Kevin quickly utters his apology and walks away dejectedly, not able to get Noi's review on his cooking plus making the master of the house annoyed.

The human boy frown, not liking how Balan treated Kevin, "He's just being excited. You don't have to shoo him away like that."

Balan continues to sip his warm blood and let out a satisfied sigh as he's done, "He's ruining the taste of my drink with his hyper-reactive aura."

"Well, you're ruining my meal with your stupid warm blood that you sip like a fucking cup of tea!" Noi retorts as he suddenly feels overly annoyed by Balan's attitude and choice of beverage, "The smell of your drink is making me lose my appetite!"

The human's sudden outburst makes Tao stop chewing and turns to look at his ever-quiet lover beside him, who is calmly drinking his own warm blood and showing no interest in the conversation nor the little lamb's rude attitude.

Tao pouts his plump lips, "They seem to keep on fighting every night."

Lambert replies with a shrug as his brown almond eyes still linger to his own meat, "Brother Balan seems fine with it though, so just let them be."

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