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A tall muscular figure silently stood at the corner of the bedroom as it is enveloped in pitch darkness. The only thing that can be seen beside his wide silhouette is the pair of red glowing orbs, staring fixedly at the much leaner sleeping figure on top of the bed. The man then stealthily walks closer and sits at the edge of the mattress, making his porcelain skin finally be seen as it is hit by the faint moonlight that defining the lower half of his chiselled features, which showing a very amused expression.

For some time, don't know how long, the glowing orbs just continue to stare at the slumbering boy, who doesn't seem to be bothered because of how deep the latter is inside the dreamland.

Then, the man's long fingers which are decorated with a ring of their family crest on its middle one slowly stroke Noi's slender neck that is exposed behind the low-buttoned shirt. The boy's tanned skin and delicate Asian features looked very exotic to him as it was rare for such a young and dark beauty to be seen in this area. 

Stealthily, he brought his pointy nose to the nape of the boy's neck and inhaled the latter's natural scent. The delicious sweet smell of Noi's blood starts to infiltrate his nostrils, making the man faintly moan at how intoxicating the scent is.

The man's thin lips widely smile, feeling very much delighted to finally have an unexpected yet very alluring guest inside his castle. The baritone voice of his let out a chuckle and mutters, "Thank you for the present, Agnes. Never thought, your descendants will be this careless and unintentionally send an exotic little lamb for me to enjoy."

The intruder then chukles, this time with a lace of lust before continuing, "An ordinary surround by the specials will finally have its worth."




After the hearty and super delicious dinner last night, the painter immediately went back to bed and snores away the night without blinking one bit. His doe-eyes don't even open until the morning sunray seeps into the bedroom and hit his beautiful face with the bright-blinding light.

Noi sleepily groans as he slowly turns his body to sits up on the bed. He let out another groan as his body still feels so sore, making him turn his head side by side in an attempt to loosen his strained muscle. Laying in a starfish position with tall pillows is not really a good sleeping position after all. That habit had caused him to have a bad posture, making him unconsciously hunch his back forward.

The boy looks down towards his own outfit and grimaces, noticing that he didn't take shower or even change his attire since he first arrived at this place. Ew.

Noi gets up and hurriedly go to the bathroom while taking off his clothes along the way and go into the shower to scrub clean his... 'ew' body since he feels so damn stinky.

Well, not that Noi smell or anything since this place is so cold that you won't be able to sweat if you didn't do anything. Just that he feels stinky for being lazy and not taking a shower.

Noi should really change his lazy attitude and become more diligent. Because soon, he will be a university student and lived in a dorm with the others. It'll be so embarrassing if he keeps on being lazy like this.

After feeling his body is super clean, Noi gets out of the shower, dry himself, and change his attire into a new set of clothes. He then completes his simple morning routine by raking his hair with his slender fingers as he doesn't bother to style his middle-length black locks. In his mind, combing it with your own digits will do more than enough since hair products are not good for your locks and scalp.

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