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Author's note: Beware! A dirty chapter!!


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


Yngvarr regains his consciousness and is surprised to be inside a very tight space. His head was dangling sideways as the rest of his muscular body is curling up to fill the rest of the cramped space. Yngvarr blinks his glowing red eyes and tries to find any memory of what had just happened to him. How on earth did he end up in this very small and cramped space?

Then the memory hit him like a raging bull. Oh yeah, one of the punishments was cremation. This must've been the last place his ashes had been.

But how on earth he's able to survive that horrid event? He was mutilated, head crushed, then finally cremated. Yet he doesn't feel any pain and can even tell that there's not a single wound scarred on his body. But no matter, what's important is to bust his way out of this cramped space and... find his family.

Yes, they should still be in the Capital. Yngvarr had seen Elvar before those executioners crushed his head.

So without wasting more moments, Yngvarr easily tears the iron walls out and true to his prediction, he's was indeed inside a brazen bull. But before he even takes a step down from it, he was surprised to see scrawny Elvar had already in front of him, kneeling with both hands on the ground and a pair of wide wet almond eyes and looking at him in shock. Trails of tears had also cascaded down, wetting the dirt and mud that had stuck on his sunken cheeks.

"Brother," Elvar utters as his cry finally broke and calls the older again in a crack voice, "Brother Yngvarr."

"Elvar," The older calls back as he hurriedly comes down and kneels on the ground to hug the younger ones. He then let go of his hold and grimace at the poor condition of his younger brother, "What happened, brother? Why'd you looked like this? Where are the others?"

At first, Elvar didn't say anything but continues to cry. But after some patience and reassurance, the younger brother was finally calmed down and willing to share what had happened when Yngvarr was away.

"It started after my return from the battle. Out of nowhere, fellow soldiers have accused me of the cause of our big loss in front of the king. And because of that, his majesty decided to retract my status and..." Elvar glance at his own legs, "decreed a punishment to cut both of my legs."

The sight makes Yngvarr's cat-shaped eyes widen in shock as he genuinely thought that Elvar was just kneeling. But when in reality, the younger's legs are only reached until the knees.

Without realizing the surprised face of the older, Elvar continues to relay the horrible memory, "And because I have lost my status and became disable, our family kept on getting intimidated by others, berated because of our eastern looks and threw rocks at us. As if we're not human and just... animals or pests."

The younger sniffles and starts to cry while explaining, "A-and Little Eleanore w-was s-sick but we're too poor and... nobody had the... heart to help her. So, she just... passed away without any effort being done."

The news struck Yngvarr like lightning as overwhelming sadness instantly dominated his heart. The bitter truth that he now had no chance to see the adorable little sister anymore is... there are not even any dejected words that can describe how he felt.

"And... the rest?" Yngvarr asks with his cat-shaped eyes finally begins to leak tears. He wants to wail, he really does. But seeing how bad Elvar condition is and the whereabouts of the other family member prevented him from doing so.

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