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Author's Note: Decided to give Hel's a face and a little description. Hehe~ Can check on her in the character's section inside AN chapter.

A footnote will be provided underneath some chapters. When a * is written in front of the word, means there's a footnote to helps you know what it means. Figured it is better to add one and to not confuse you.


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


When Yngvarr regained his consciousness, he was shocked to see a vast cloudy sky above him as the cool-toned sunray faintly envelopes him. Trying to catch his breath, Yngvarr blinks his eyes many times, trying to adjust his vision to the brightness of the outside world and fully believing that he's not inside the darkroom anymore. He then mumbles to himself as his brows furrowing in confusion, "Where am I?"

Then he caught a delicious smell from the cold air, making him subconsciously close his eyes and inhale, savouring the sweet scent and turn his face in the direction of the source. Once he opens his eyes, Yngvarr jumps back in shock to see the still image of a horrifying scene in front of him.

Destroyed and engulfed in flames cottages are now within the peripheral, as the half-buried sea of corpses with blood painted on them across the once pure surface of the snow. Children, adults, even elders are laying either on top or not far from each other. He can even see some of the corpses had lost their arms, legs or even heads, and some of the said limbs are also scattered along the area.

Despite the horrid scene, Yngvarr's got even bewildered when his sense of smell caught the sweet and delicious scents instead of the rancid and foul smell from the blood. His vision even makes him swallow saliva the longer he gaze at the corpses, as the desire to grab a chunk and munch on it gets bigger.

But he quickly snaps out of it as he thinks that knowing his whereabouts and what happened is more important. Since after all, there seems to be a dangerous beast lurking around and destroyed this village.

"What happened here? What kind of being did this?" Yngvarr mumbles to himself. But then, he starts to squirm uncomfortably for feeling something thick is sticking to his skin. Automatically, Yngvarr looks down and shocks to see blood has drenched his naked figure, which is now oddly back to being muscular and sculpted like he was before being captive. And despite not having any single garment covering him, Yngvarr doesn't feel cold at all even though it is obviously in the middle of harsh winter. His feet that are currently buried deep inside the snow doesn't feel the prickly pain from the cold at all. Yngvarr then moves his gaze to his pair of hands, paying attention while turning his strong veiny limbs in wonder as they are also being drenched with the repulsive red colour that reaches until the elbows.

Seeing how he currently looks, it doesn't take a genius to know who's responsible for destroying and killing an entire village. But still, Yngvarr is having difficulty believing that he's really the one who did it.

"Satisfied?" A familiar feminine voice suddenly speaks to him and quickly divert his confused eyes to the source of the sound. Hel with her thin tight-fitted black gown strides towards him as her plump lips form up a smile, "I assumed that you are full now, my dear Yngvarr."

Seeing the sight of the Goddess immediately triggers his memory, remembering how painful his body had gone through because of her. It also makes him think every odd thing that had happened to him must have some kind of connection with her.

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