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The sky has already turned dark when Noi finally woke up from the long slumber. As he's sitting his own body on the bed, his throbbing doe-eyes starts to look around the warmly lit chamber. The human boy let out a small relief sigh when he sees there's no sign of Balan in the room.

Noi was about to get down from the bed to stand up but immediately stop the attempt, letting out a low hiss as soon as his wounded feet faintly touch the ground. His doe-eyes quickly goes to them and makes Noi gasp when he sees that his feet have been bandaged neatly. The sight of his own feet makes him frown in wonder mixes with amazement since they look so neatly done and didn't look like the work of a first-timer doing this.

"Did he ever tend any human before me?" Noi mumbles to himself.

Then a series of gentle knocks can be heard, diverting Noi's attention towards the still closed entrance. Not long after, the door is opened and reveal Tao with his signature bunny smile between the fangs as his hands holding on a tray of food, "Good evening, Noi! How are you feeling?"

The human boy let out a forced smile and mumbles his answer, "Fine... I guess."

The young vampire nods as he let himself in, "Of course you are. It will be weird if you don't since you've slept for almost 16 hours."

Noi's doe-eyes widen in surprise, "I-I did?"

"Mhm," Tao nods as he pouts his plump lips and puts down the tray on the coffee table, "It's no surprise though as you do weep for 3 consecutive days. So it's natural for fragile creatures like you to rest that long. By the way, are you hungry?" The bunny teeth-boy ask and bounce lightly, "Deer stew and mashed potatoes is tonight's menu."

Don't be surprised but yes, Noi had been eating various kinds of meat here. At first, the human boy was so shocked whenever he heard where the meat came from. But as time passes, Noi eventually gets used to it and shrug it off. Adding that Kevin did such a great job making such tasty meals, it instantly shuts all of Noi's complain.

Sincerely apologize to PETA, animal lovers and vegans out there.

As Tao opens the cover, the delicious and savoury smell of the stew goes into Noi's nostrils and successfully makes his tummy grumble in protest. And him being a foodie himself won't ever miss any chance to eat as he nods his head to give an affirmative answer. Noi was about to stand up but the young vampire stops his attempt.

"No! Don't get up. Let me help you na Nong~" Tao says as the young vampire approach and without giving any warning, effortlessly bridal-carries Noi as the unexpected boy yelps in surprise, "Tao! I-I can walk fine on my own!"

"No na~" Tao replies as he sits Noi down on the sofa and takes the tray off the coffee table, "P'In said to not let you walk for a while. He doesn't want you to be in pain."

"He did?" Noi asks back with a blush spread on his cheeks.

"Mhm," Tao nods again and puts the tray down on Noi's lap, not realizing the blush as the chamber is dim-lit and too dark to shows how red Noi's cheeks are.

"And where is he now?" Noi asks again as he takes the spoon and starts scooping the food into his mouth.

"He and P'Elie went to meet The King in the Capital and will be back tomorrow morning," Tao replies as he sits beside the human boy and tapping his knees, intending to wait for Noi to finish his food as well as feeling bored since his lover is not inside the castle.

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