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Yngvarr doesn't really know how long he's been inside this dark and small room. But one thing is for sure that he has been captive for more than 10 moon cycles, judging from how many times he seen the full moon in the night sky that can be seen through the small window hole that is placed so high up on the room.

The pair of his now thin pale wrists are being cuffed tightly together with the other end of the long chains is being attached to the wall. Despite having room to manoeuvre, his hands are still bound together for so long it makes his shoulder dislocated painfully. Because of that, his once sturdy and sculpted body has now gone loopy and crooked.

Yngvarr still has his dashing looks, but he is not as handsome as he used to be as multiple flaws have become more apparent on his face. Dark and hollow pair of lifeless eyes, sunken cheeks and rough chapped thin lips is already replaced his once-perfect features. The once muscular torso of his now also becomes so scrawny that the vertebrae bones and ribs are protruding on his skin.

Despite having such bad health, his weak body is still regularly being cleaned and placed on the bed. This is because his beautiful captor has no intention to stop forcing and sexually abused him as the Goddess seems to be obsessed with Yngvarr. Or at least with his dashing looks that are now beginning to fade.

Like now as the Goddess of Death seems to try to use him again.

"You don't look so good," Hel says as she tilts her head in wonder. Currently, the Goddess straddling on Yngvarr's lap and penetrating his deflating penis inside of her. Despite she is shamelessly showing her unblemished milky white skin that beautifully shapes around her naked slender and alluring figure, Yngvarr doesn't seem to find it appealing anymore as he's just feeling sick of being used out of his will like this.

He's just so sick of being used too many times that the thought of having a woman in his embrace in the future is repulsive.

Then Yngvarr's reverie is being broken when she places her slender hands on the knight's protruding jaw and rubs it with affection as her feminine voice gone sultrier, "You're erecting no more for me. Why is that?"

Well, how could he not? Hel doesn't give him a proper 3 meals a day but continues to sexually use him so many times, countless rounds every day with her monstrous inhumane strength. Living with only a small piece of bread and few sips of muddy water while repeatedly being used to satisfy that woman's robust libido will of course wither his body.

But Yngvarr chose to keep his silence and avoid staring at Hel's silver orbs. There's not a single fear he can now feel whenever he stares at them, so much different than the earlier times when he was first being detained and dirtied.

Then suddenly, Yngvarr's dark chocolate hair is being snatched up violently and forced to look at Hel's now angry glowing golden orbs, "LOOK AND ANSWER ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!"

Instead of being afraid, Yngvarr glares back at her and spit on her face while chuckle flatly, "Why should I?"

"HOW DARE YOU!!" She shouts and slaps Yngvarr, easily splitting the flesh inside his cheeks again and makes the blood pour out of his mouth. His still shiny but brittle locks are also being plucked from his scalp, making Hel gasp at how many strands of hair is intertwining around her fingers. Seeing that she had wounded her precious servant, Hel quickly bring Yngvarr's face back to her and gaze in worry, "Oh dear! What have I done!"

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