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"B-Balan... I'm scared..." Noi stutters in between his own sobbing.

"Don't worry, Love. Nothing's going to happen to you," Balan tries to soothe while giving small kisses on the crying human's crown. Even though he himself doesn't know if the latter will really be safe or not, what matters now is a reassurance to calm his little lamb down.

"Stop lying, Yngvarr," Hel interrupts them as her glowing golden eyes gaze to the fearful teary doe-eyes, "I'm a deity, the most powerful being to ever exist. You think I will lose to a Renatus?"

The taunt from the goddess who expected Balan to kill him frightens Noi, but he has no choice but to cling to this cruel being even though he knows, the one he desperately holds on to right now is the same man who's involved in sending his eldest brother early to the grave. The current intense situation doesn't give him the privilege to be mad and wept for feeling disappointed in Balan. No matter what, he still feels the safest inside this cruel vampire's arms.

Hel voice seems to gain the vampire's attention fully back to her and she uses the opportunity to utter out her surprise, "I honestly thought you'll immediately kill him the moment he attacked you. But guess I misjudged you, Yngvarr."

In the midst of an intense atmosphere, the goddess seems to be calm and even busily ogling at Balan without hiding her lust intention one bit. Hel even pulls down her own top to show her cleavage more in hopes to incite the dashing Balan.

What a shameless goddess indeed.

"I see you're still as breathtaking as ever. Your good looks never failed to make me fall deeper to you." The goddess compliments and continues to admire her own creation while casually leans back on a drawer.

Through a thousand seven hundred and sixty-three years of not seeing her own creation that she had abandoned, Hel still can't believe this man's impeccable looks. It really is hard to not fall into such a dashing man that beats any God's ethereal looks. A man as handsome as Balan should never exist in this normal human world. It even makes Hel often thinks that Balan must've been a mistake that Frejya* had done, or even maybe an illegitimate son of Baldr* as it is a well-known fact that the said deity is the most handsome god in Asgard*.

Hel's unexpected and sudden presence makes Balan tightens his grip on Noi. He shifts a little bit forward, hiding the little lamb with his own body protectively. The vampire's glowing red eyes harden with despise while gazing at Hel, "You finally came back."

The Goddess shrugs while still smiling, "Of course. It was a struggle to come back here you know. Sneaking out from both Odin and Loki* was not an easy task at all."

Hel then turns her gaze to a vase filled with flowers beside her and gently caresses one of the petals, making a whole stem of a flower that she just touched to wither in a matter of seconds, "And I had to wait for a long time to find a right vessel to be filled and used as a body, you know."

"What did you do to him?!" Balan harshly brush off Hel's complaints as his mind only filled worrying for Noi, "If you do anything tha-"

"I only have a little time to persuade you to come with me. So I tried to manipulate that kid," She cuts and turns her attention back to Balan while pointing at Noi, "By showing a glimpse of memory of his dead brother. Isn't it a bit cruel to not try giving a hand to the ones in need, Yngvarr? Or should I call you Balan since that's what you go by now?"

As Hel is the ruler of Niflheim, everything that death touches are not hideable from her. Which means she can see every memory of dead people after their passing. Hel uses that power to show Noi the short scene of Allan being passed by Balan's car.

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