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After rounds and rounds of bouncing and being thurst by Balan's big and long member, there's no need to ask what happened to Noi. The human boy already had difficulty standing because of his wounded feet, now he can't even move nor feel his lower body at all as his hip and butt hurt like hell. Noi blames all of this on the person who carries him effortlessly like a bride, as Balan is now also flexing the muscular torso to nobody since Noi currently wears the latter's oversized shirt and uses the damp nightgown to cover his sore bottom.

The throbbing and damp feeling inside his anus annoys Noi again, adding that he can't seem to tear his gaze away from the vampire's toned chest. The desire to run his fingers and feel the bumps and dents of the sculpted muscles erupts within him. But instead of obliging to the desire, Noi pouts and hit on the innocent chest out of annoyance. The owner of that wonderful chest immediately stop walking and gaze down at the pouting little lamb in confusion, "What the hell are you doing, Noi? Why did you hit me?"

"What? Can't I?" Noi sassily replies and fold his hands in front of his flat chest, "Can't I hit the person who makes me temporarily can't walk? What does it will do to you, anyway? My fist must've felt like a tickle than a hit."

The grumpy ranting just add more cuteness to Balan's eyes, making the thin lips curving up and lift the human boy higher and squeezing the cutie a little tighter, "How adorable you are, Little Noi!"

"Ish!!" Noi protest and use his dainty fist to hit Balan's chest again, "Stop squeezing me!"

"Aw~ Why?" Balan leans closer, "It's true though, that you are just the cutest, the most adorable being to ever exist," The honoured continues and catch Noi's swollen chestnut lips with his. Noi tries to protest as he really doesn't want to get aroused again, pushes the unmovable chest away despite knowing his resistance won't be heard.

Luckily, it's not that long and Noi didn't swallow that much saliva when someone interrupts them with a cheery voice and a series of claps, "Awwie~ I guess both of you are hitting it off so well!"

Because of that comment, Noi successfully freed himself from the long kiss and turn to the source of the sound with a blush, knowing they are busted. But his cheeks got even redder as his doe-eyes widen in shock for seeing the much-unexpected scene in front of him. Noi quickly hides while hugging Balan's neck and shrieking, "TAO!! WHY ARE YOU GUYS BUTT NAKED?!!"

Yes, in front of the barely clothed couple, there's another couple who shamelessly stands in all of their naked glory and innocently starts a conversation. One of the perpetrators whose name got called just tilts his head in wonder while letting the other butt naked lover wrap the muscular arms around him. Tao pouts out of habit while still gaze at the blushing human boy and asks innocently, "What? What did we do?"

"Don't you hear what he said?" Balan replies for Noi as his cat-shaped eyes flatly look at them without feeling mortified. He positioned the shy little lamb slightly deeper to hid the reddening beautiful face better and so the other two can't see Noi's slightly dishevelled appearance, "Besides, why are you two being out naked like that?"

"Aw," Tao exclaims and fix his head back as he starts explaining for both him and his silent lover, "Aren't we sometimes done this before, Phi? Besides, we're just going to take a dip at the swimming pool. We thought it'll be such a hassle to wear something just to take it off later once we're going in."

"Well, next time at least cover your junk," Balan replies, "Now that there's Noi living with us, he's not used to seeing men walking around naked. Didn't you say we need to start blending in with the human's habit?"

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