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Author's note: Apologize if the story is a bit... Hmmmmmm~ Mehehee~ I'm actually not that good at writing gory scenes as I myself afraid of watching or reading gory things.

Ps. Author's note and characters has been updated as well.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


"Well, as far as I know, Anson's are white people's family. Apologize for saying this but could you try to convince me if you truly are Bruce's son and not some random person who tried to do... bad things to us?" Balan asks.

Noi sighs in relief. Oh, so that's what he meant, "I can call my father, Bruce for you to prove that I really am his son. His step-son, to be exact." The painter then shoved his hand into his pocket and notices, he forgot to bring his phone with him. Noi awkwardly scratches his not itchy tanned cheek, "Uhm... Sorry, but I forgot to bring my phone with me."

Balan chuckles and takes out his own phone, "That's alright. Let me call Bruce real quick to see whether you truly are his step-son. Apologies for not trusting you," he smiles apologetically to the painter, "I have some trusting issues with new people."

Noi nods in understanding and lets Balan make the call. After some exchanging greetings and friendly conversation, the other line confirmed Noi's identity and convinced the honoured that the boy indeed came as a replacement to do the job. Balan replies with affirmation and ends the call.

Once the call ended, Balan turns his attention back to the painter, "It seems you are indeed an Anson. Again, it's nice to meet you and I hope we can get along well throughout the process. How long will you need to take to complete the painting?"

Noi replies with his sweet smile, "Likewise. It might take up to a week for sketching and base colour, which is the reason why I am staying here, and a month to complete with shading, varnishing and all since the portrait is quite big. The size of an A1, am I correct?"

"A1?" Balan echoes confusedly.

"Ah... I mean around 80 by 60 centimetres." Noi explains again.

The honoured nods in understanding, "Yes, that size. The canvas has already arrived as well, but I apologize," he smiles to the painter, but there's something that makes it looks slightly eerie to the latter, "The official uniform that I must wear Is not ready yet. I hope you don't mind staying an extra day here. I heard from your father as well that you're currently on a long vacation before going to university. It's nice to be young at this time around because there are lot's of things to do."

Noi gulps, "Uhm... yes, I guess so. How old are you anyway, if I may ask?"

The honoured takes a pause, contemplating on something. He then replies with the same smile and an amused glint on his cat-shaped eyes, "30 something. I think 35? I can't remember."

Noi audibly gasps, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling because of the creepy smile as well as genuinely surprised at this dashing man's youthful face, "35?! You look so young though! I'm surprised."

Balan chuckles as he nonchalantly shrugs, "Genetics."

Noi replies with a snort but quickly close his mouth and nose with wide eyes, realizing what he had done just now is inappropriate, "Ahm, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Bad habit."

The honoured chuckles again and nods in understanding, "You don't have to be so formal to me, Noi. You're a guest here after all. It's nice to have young blood once in a while. There are too many stiff old people around here so it's really no fun."

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