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Author's note: decide to just make the flashback connect to each other instead of randomly. Don't worry I didn't change any of the previous scenes. Instead, I tweak the future flashback plot a little bit.


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


A lot of times, the young knight who is also the captain of a battalion feels so reluctant to fulfil the king's order to be present at the castle. Because whenever he's there, he will immediately be treated rather oddly. The leering gaze of the fellow knights and guards whose hearts were planted by a lot of jealousy seeds feels so prickly on Yngvarr's skin, even though all of them are being covered by layers of fine linen of his uniform.

Some were jealous of his handsome looks and well-built figures, most of them were because of the many achievements that he had gained on such a young age. Well, to be fair, the life expectancy of their time, especially knights, is around 33 season cycles and Yngvarr's already passed his 25th. So to say he's young in this time of life is rather questionable. It is probably fair to say that the young knight is just that great and mighty to be able to survive the many battles he had done.

It has been getting worse recently as news about Yngvarr has been getting known to the public. The young and dashing knight had successfully claimed Land of Kirk, a territory that is well known for its strategical castle on top of a slim hill as well as the impeccable defence. This achievement seems to please the King more as his dearest Queen had been wanting that land for the longest time.

Because of that as well, the other knights that were failed to claim that land starts to speak behind his back, and fortunate or unfortunately, depending on how you see it, Yngvarr can't help but hear the berating loud whispers since those knights' rough voices are just too loose to be able to talk so faintly. Probably caused by yelling all day on both training and battlefield.

The Half-breed Bastard.

That is the nickname they all bestowed on him, which is half-true since Yngvarr is, half western half eastern. But that bastard part... Hmmm, I don't know. Orphan is a better word to describe him than a bastard.

But who cares? Yngvarr never really paid attention to their mocking. But it seems, that aloofness is only applied to him as the young Elvar beside him replies the berating with a glare, threatening the mindless knights to watch what they're saying.

"I hate it when they treat us like this," Elvar grunts as his almond eyes still leers to those foul mouth knights.

"Leave them be, Elvar. We came here just to give our humble presence in exchange for the King's blessing before departing for battle tomorrow." Yngvarr replies as they continue to walk through the warm lit and narrow stone-wall hallway.

And the statement just makes Elvar frown further as he knows that they're facing a rather questionable fight, since they don't really know who or what is their enemy, "But brother, are we really going to invade Land of Dhravk? What if the rumour's true? That the land is a cursed one?"

Land of Dhravk, well-known for the beautiful yet eerie dark castle on the top of the hill. Surround by a thick fog that covers and hid the entire land from others who do not have good eyesight. The land is also rumoured to be a cursed one, as lots of people that had gone there will never be able to get out. But at the same time, lots of prophecies have also circulated the land as it said that the one who seized it will have the ability to control the whole world. 

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