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Since Balan is the Lord of the household, his orders are absolute no matter how childish or cruel they sound. Because of that, Noi is truly being locked inside the chamber and not allowed to even step out of the balcony to get a breath of fresh air. But he's not being chained yet since Noi suddenly caught a fever and lay sickly on the bed.

While laying sideways because of his sore butt, Noi keeps on whimpering and sweating in his sleep. It even makes the sheet wet and resulting in it needed to be replaced 2 or 3 times a day. Even the bandage on Noi's neck has been changed within the same amount of time. And because of his condition as well, only Tao and Lambert are allowed to come in to treat Noi since the rest of the lower-rank vampire's can't stand Noi's intense sweet scent that fills the air. 

Balan also had been staying away from Noi as he's still in sulking mode, not wanting to meet nor even has the desire to check up on the latter's condition as he thought that the little lamb only caught normal fever because of cold weather.

Such a childish thing to do for a man who aged more than a thousand and five hundred years, don't you think?

But it seems Noi's fever is not only caused by the cold weather, as Tao looks at the thermometer in his hand with concern to see Noi's temperature had gone up than the last time he checked.

"What's going on na, Phi? Why doesn't Noi's fever go down yet? It's been more than 2 days already." Tao says as his glowing deep pink eyes gaze at Noi's weak and sweaty body. The young vampire currently sits at Noi's side while pressing a damp towel on the latter's sweaty forehead, holding it so it won't fall. The youngest vampire also looks at Noi's sleeping face in concern, seeing the latter's paling feature keeps on frowning and twitching. There's also a purplish bruise on Noi's left cheek, making him looks even worse and concerning.

Lambert, who actually come to visit the first time because of Tao's concern complaints has no idea as well. But not like his agitating lover who's just too worried to be able to think clearly, the higher rank vampire uses his glowing auburn orbs to scan Noi's condition and frown when he sees the significant size difference between both of the human boy's wrists. So he approaches the sleeping boy and carefully lifts up the end part of the right sleeve from Noi's nightgown.

Both go in shock when they see Noi's right wrist has gone so swollen and purple, almost black even. The usual thin wrist doubled in size, as the way it is supposed to be doesn't look right. It's crooked at an awkward angle and the bent is not on the joints.

Tao goes in panic and shakes his beloved's elbow as he doesn't know what's going on and how to handle the situation, "Phi!! What happened to him?! Why is his wrist look like that?!"

"It's broken," Lambert replies after scanning it for a while, "No wonder his fever hasn't gone down. He must've got an infection for not being treated immediately."

"Then what should we do na?"

The older vampire turns to his lover, "We need brother Yngvarr to heal him."

The younger vampire frowns as he's not liking the suggestion. Tao feels slightly uncomfortable for Balan to be around weakened Noi. Adding that the cruel event couple of days ago left Noi cried for the rest of the night after, "Why not you do it? You're here already."

The older stare at his cute bunny flatly, "Little Noi is already contaminated by Yngvarr's blood. What if his fragile human body got poisoned after drinking my blood? Let's just wait for brother to arrive, won't be that long."

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