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After visiting the graveyard and take a rest to grief for few days, The Anson decided to enlighten their heart by go sightseeing in the pretty village before Allan's cremation date 2 days from now. It is such a rare chance for them, citizens of a big city to visit such a rural yet beautiful village. So they thought that instead of keep on drowning in sorrow, it is indeed better to at least use the time to set aside the gloom and let go of all of their longing with Noi.

Accompanied by Tao who will act as their guide to tour around, The Ansons', exclude Bruce, has taken Balan's car and chauffeured by Oliver to go to the village area. And after seeing his family has left from the honoured's office window, Bruce let out a sigh as he hopes his family will have a good time with Noi.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with them?" Balan that had been sitting on his desk finally uttered out a question, "It'll be harder for you to meet Noi from now on."

"It's okay," Bruce turns to the honoured, "I have a more important thing to discuss with you, Sir Balan."

What's more important than spending time with your youngest son? Did he not missed Noi? Balan thoughts as he keeps his gaze on the old man. After taking his time to observe, Balan finally nods his head and points to the armchair in front of his desk, "Why don't you take a seat, Bruce?"

The old man takes the offer and sits on the armchair. He then stops his gaze at some framed watercolour painting of various kinds of animals that are hanged on the wall. There are even two smaller versions of them, framed and displayed on top of the honoured's desk. Balan noticed the stare and take the initiative to explain, "Those are Noi's drawings. I decided to replace some of my taxidermied collections with his paintings so the office wouldn't be that creepy. Noi complains that he's often feeling scared to come here and see the taxidermied animals."

"I see," Bruce utters as the honoured smell a hint of sadness on the old man's scent. But as soon as Bruce and pans his gaze back to Balan, the smell immediately turns sourer, which means fear, emitting out as it changes the early gloomy bitter smell. Bruce's fast heartbeat and irregular breathing can also be heard by the vampire's sensitive ear. The unreasonable skittish behaviour makes Balan frown and wonder, adding that Bruce doesn't seem brave enough to look at him in the eye confuse him, "Is something wrong, Bruce?"

His baritone voice seems to shock the old man, who now blinks the blue eyes rapidly while thickly swallowing the nervousness. As the old man takes a brief pause, Bruce finally utters out his intention, "I would like to ask for a request."

"What is it?" Balan urged the latter to continue.

After taking another pause again, Bruce finally looks at Balan in the eyes and requests, "I... would like to put an end to our family tradition to paint for you and exchange it with Noi's freedom, Sir."

The honoured raises one of his brows and repeat the suggestion more bluntly, "You want to stop coming here to paint and give your youngest son to me?"

Even though it sounds harsh, it is indeed what Bruce had meant. So because of that, the old man nods his head in shame.


"Well," Bruce nervously rub his own thighs, "I just lost my eldest son and am in no condition to paint. Adding that none of the family's younger generations has the desire to become a painter anymore. I don't have the heart to force them to become one. I had experienced being forced and... I don't want them to have that kind of life."

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