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Who knew that Lambert, the grumpiest but most sensible and smartest out of the three Blackburns, can figure out Hel's not-so-perfect plan? 

And seeing Noi finally awake brings joy to both Tao and Balan's hearts. Well Lambert too even though only a little bit. He's not that close to the human-I mean, newly turned vampire slash the fellow offspring after all. But he is really glad that Noi did wake up.

Because it means, his brother will finally be sane again. 

"I'm glad that You were right and everything went well, Phi," Tao whispers to Lambert as happy tears begin to pool in his eyes, "If not, I probably will be deemed as a murderer before P'In killed me if I really did execute my personal plan to steal Noi's body and cremate it. Good thing I talked to you first." he continues while keeps on wiping his happy tears and ignoring the horrified look from the husband beside him.

After hearing this one-man idiotic plan, Lambert is really glad that despite being slow, Tao is not a reckless person and will discuss everything with him first before doing anything. So he was overwhelmingly glad for that specific character Tao has.

Imagine if Tao didn't and just took Noi secretly without checking. It would surely be disastrous as no vampires aside from Balan can survive being cremated. Adding that the bunny is thinking to fight with a first-generation vampire who had almost successfully killed a deity? That's just bonkers and idiotic in Lambert's opinion.

And back to the said powerful vampire lord, he's now choosing to be courteous and move to sit on the bedside of his recently awoke adorable newly-turned offspring. As he's being blown away by the beauty of those glowing auburn orbs, Balan also can't hide the blooming smell that has now crept into his scarred handsome face.

The once pale cheeks have begins to retain their blushing colours. The chestnut lips are also starting to get rosier, reviving the little lamb's beautiful charm back as it used to be.

The overwhelming sense of relief immediately washed over Balan the moment he sees those healthy signs on Noi. Adding that those pair of doe-eyes that have turned back to the adorable dark brown colours are now opened and gaze back at him makes him feel all the delightful things he never even thought of feeling.

It makes Balan can't contain the smile and happy tears that continue to comes out of his eye. But it seems the latter feels the opposite of what he felt.

Because those doe-eyes suddenly widen in panic and intense fright is the first thing that they show to Balan. It also supported by the little lamb's behaviour, abruptly sitting up and hug the honoured who's is still sitting at his bedside tightly. Noi seems to not be aware of his condition because the little lamb uses all of the strength his lean limbs can produce.

"Oof!" Balan exclaims while trying to hold on to the crushing and suffocating feeling from the hug. It doesn't hurt Balan that much as he is, after all, still multiple times more powerful than Noi. But since the little lamb didn't aware or be able to control the supernatural new strength, the vampire lord can still feel the squeeze on his circulation.

He takes a quick note inside his mind to train Noi in retaining the power before the little lamb's clumsiness does damage. Like for example, hurting his pretty self again or worse, destroyed any part of the castle or village.

Tao often did that the earlier times after he was turned.

Not complaining when Noi does the bone-crushing hug on his still wounded body, the honoured use his healthy hand to rub the lean back soothingly, "Noi, it's already over. She's gone."

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