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Author's note: Apologize if it seems rushed and not good enough. I've been inside a long writer's block and unable to get out of it T_T


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


"...and the total calculation from the sold goods would be able to cover the production cost. The profit will be more than sufficient for us to buy more humans," Lambert says as his hand are holding a pen and starts to scribble on the opened notebook, taking notes about the information that he had just uttered out.

"Hmm," Balan nods as he pouts his thin lips out of habit, "The villagers done a great job this month despite the harsh weather. It is indeed wise to give them human meats as a reward for their hard work."

'Yes, it will also help to boost their morale as one-mind creatures." Lambert agreed.

Not far from the still ongoing discussion, Tao is sighing loudly while still sitting on the sofa, plucking petals from a single rose that he held. Underneath the young vampire, multiple petalless roses are seen laying around the ground, victims of the boredom Tao's felt. He then turns his attention to Benson, who had come to the castle to make a report about the runaway pet that he had seen an hour ago.

"It's sooo long!" Tao whines to the kind Benson as he waves around the now empty stem in annoyance, "P'In and P'Elie are indeed just bunches of uncles! How come they can stand talking about those boring stuff all day every night?!"

Benson let out a hearty laugh to the adorable younger vampire, "It is what a leader duty is, Young Lord. If not, our village won't be able to thrive forward. we will starve and eventually, extinct."

"Yes~ I understand, but," Tao starts to whine louder, purposefully to gain the other 2 men's attention, "Nong Noi is wounded and in danger but here they are doing mathematics!"

"It's not only mathematics, Tao. This is for the sake of our kind," Balan replies the whining as his black orbs continue to read the many documents, "We're the only ones who have working brains that are able to do this. Quit your whining so we'll be able to finish this on time." He then briefly glance at Benson and waves his hand to shoo the latter away, "You may go, thank you for the report."

The black man then raises himself up and bow politely, "Certainly, my Lord." he then picks up his basket full of flowers and grins to Tao, "See you next time Young Lord Tao. Autumn flowers have bloomed beautifully this season."

Tao then perks up, "Ah! Yes! I'll go to your shop this evening then, Mr Benson. Have a good day!" he waves to the retreating nice man.

Once Benson is out of view, Tao goes back to his boring plucking petals activity to wait for the others to finish their duty. Not long after, Tao hears a notebook being closed and a faint sigh from Lambert, a usual indication that the beloved has finished his duty. This also means Balan has also done with his own.

It is also a cue for Tao to jump from his seat and bounce excitedly, "Are you done? Let's go find Nong Noi in the village!" he then blinks his hazel eyes and frowning, "I'm really worried for him."

Balan replies the concern with a light chuckle as he stands up while fixing his suit, "Calm down, Tao. I can still hear Noi's voice in between the commotion from here. That's already proof that he's still alive." the honoured then tilt his head, "Although, I can hear other multiple sets of feet behind him."

"What?!" Tao shrieks, "That's not good. Where are they now, Phi?"

"Town square." Balan replies as he tilts his head side by side, attempting to loosen his unstrained neck muscle, "I'll go ahead first and settle the matter. You two can go and watch if you want."

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