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The sound of crows cawing at each other can faintly be heard seeping through the tall windows that are covered by equally long curtains, sending eerie vibes to the now silent property. The greyed cloudy sky of dusk begins to slowly darken and successfully gives a very minimal light, giving a cold ambience to the already cold and medieval-looking bed-chamber. Smells of after-rain that mixes with mist are vaporizing in the air, giving a thick and moist feeling inside the room. 

Inside the quiet space, a boy with tanned golden skin is seen sleeping in the middle of a king-sized canopy bed. His lean figure that lay on its side is covered with only an oversized shirt and boxers underneath the blanket, but the pair of long legs of his are now exposed due to his constant moving during his sleep.

After some time, Noi's doe-eyes begins to open, bringing his consciousness back from the dreamland. But before he can process what had happened before he fainted or even where he currently is, the soreness at his bottom start to intensify. Noi moans in pain as he rubs his hand from the lower back to his butt, where the throbbing area is.

"My blood closed all your wounds, but the pain of your bottom will be there for a while since we had sex for more rounds after I healed you."

Noi gasps and quickly turn his gaze to the source of the sound. There, he sees the damn creature that caused him the pain, casually stands near the edge of the bed with a smug on his face. The younger boy clenches his jaw and without thinking, throw the pillow that was within his reach to the latter and yells, "YOU FUCKING RAPIST MONSTER! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME!!"

The pillow hit right on Balan's face as the honoured didn't even try to avoid it. When the fluffy object falls to the ground, the extremely handsome's face changed his expression into a surprise because Noi seems different from yesterday night. The young boy that once was trembling in fright and desperately asks him to stop are now shouting at him directly without any fear.

Balan grins, showing his pointy fangs behind his thin lips, "Oh? You're not afraid of me now?"

Noi shivers and quickly covers his body with the blanket. But Balan's black cat-shaped eyes shamelessly gaze at the uncovered legs and tease the latter with it, "Nice legs, darling."

The tease successfully ignites Noi's anger. His doe-eyes harden as his gaze sharply throws invisible daggers to the mischievous vampire. Noi briefly glances towards the nightstand beside him, looking at an antique lamp within his reach. Without thinking twice, Noi grabs the object and throw it to Balan.

Despite being surprised, the vampire can easily avoid the lamp by simply brushed it aside with his hand before it can hit him, making the antique crashed violently to the ground. 

Ignoring the soreness on his bottom, Noi takes the chance to quickly make an escape and run towards the door. But of course, Balan can easily catch up to Noi by grabbing the boy on the waist and throw the cute little lamb back to where he belongs, on the vampire's wide canopy bed of course.

"Ah!" Noi shrieks as his body hit the fluffy surface. Before he can get up and attempt another escape, Balan already goes on top of him and tightly straddle his hip. The honoured veiny hand roughly grab his jaw and forcefully makes him looks up, to the scary black eyes and the creepy smile of the vampire, "You can never run away from me, little lamb. Humans like you are so much weaker for someone like me."

Balan's gives a little more pressure to his grab, squeezing the boy's jaw. But the small force seems to hurt Noi, as the dainty hands grab the latter's one and tries to pull it to no avail while the boy let out a pained squeal, "A-Ah! S-stop it!"

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