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The sun has finally risen so high in the sky when the Ansons and Blackburns decide to go down from the castle to the peaceful vampire's village. Aidan had already conveyed his desire to eat at the Mexican restaurant that they've previously visited. So because of that, the group is now sitting inside the said place and have their lunch there.

While waiting for their order to arrive, Aidan glance to his side, looking at Noi who currently sits in between him and Balan while talking to Tao as the always-quiet Lambert is sitting beside the latter. Eventually, the little brother then notice the prickling stare and turns to look at him while uttering a question word, "What?"

The blonde then raised one of his eyebrows, "Where were you ran off to last night?"

"What do you mean?" Noi asks back.

"I've noticed you went out from the chamber past midnight and didn't come back until dawn."

The little lamb jolts in his seat and replies to Aidan's accusing eyes with his wide doe ones. With blushing cheeks, Noi pouts his chestnut lips before answering with a sassy tone, "Why you wanna know? Don't be so nosy, Ai!"

Aidan then raises both of his eyebrows and decides to tease his little brother further, "Oh wow. Such an attitude comes from someone who whined for being ignored all day yesterday. I assumed both of you are ok now, huh? Did he do some magic tricks on you?"

"Ish!" Noi lightly hit Aidan's shoulder because of embarrassment.

But no matter how light the hit is, a vampire's fist can still cause significant damage to a frail human being. Proven by how Aidan suddenly yell both in shock and pain for being hit too hard, "OW!! OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!!"

The loud yell caused the other couple who sits on the opposite side to gasps in shock as Balan swiftly hold Noi's hand away from Aidan. The honoured then tries to mask the little lamb's mistake by nervously laughing at the innocent assault, "Noi darling, No matter how annoyed you are, don't be so violent with your own brother like that."

Despite being the one who hit, Noi was also startled as he never thought his seemingly fragile fist is able to hit that impactful, "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to hit that hard..."

"Jesus Christ! That fucking hurts, Noi!!" Aidan exclaim while rubbing the spot that Noi had just hit.

"I'm sorry, Aidan! I didn't mean to," Noi apologize again while freeing himself from Balan's hold and scoot closer to his brother to rub the spot that he just lay his fist on.

"Ow..." Aidan hisses and lets his little brother to continues to rub the pain away. He then turns to look at Noi with a pained chuckle, "You were that mad for being teased, huh?"

"I apologize, Aidan. Noi must've been too pent up by my bad behaviour this past week and accidentally inflicted it on you. Are you alright?" Balan asks on the little lamb's behalf while eyeing the shoulder to see if there's any damage on it. 

Despite not being able to use his supernatural vision to properly scan Aidan, the honoured convince that no bones are fractured as he didn't hear any cracking sound. Probably only a big bruise will appear later on.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm sorry for teasing Noi as well," Aidan answers to Balan and properly take his seat, "Maybe it was a sensitive topic for him. I'm sorry if I went overboard," he says and pat the little brother's dainty hand that is now resting on his shoulder.

Little Lamb [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now