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"A-and and... he dares to leave after giving me food and didn't come back for the whole day!" Noi faintly complains while seldomly sniffles and wiping the tears that are cascading down his doe-eyes, "Don't you think... he's being too mean, Ai?"

Aidan, who is sitting cross-legged on the same bed across Noi can only raise his blonde eyebrows before briefly glancing at Tao, who sits beside him and had the same confused expression as his.

Truthfully, Aidan isn't really able to grasp what happened between Noi and Balan. because in his mind, as a human being who doesn't understand this vampire's parent-offspring connection, of course, nothing seems odd and the Blackburn Lord is just being busy... being a Lord on a small village. And his younger brother is just being whiny for not getting attention.

But of course, Aidan knows better and chose to be understanding. Because he knows for sure if he gives a lecture to grow up, Noi will just whine and cry more. And Aidan badly wants to avoid that from happening.

The 'oldest' then awkwardly clears his not itchy throat before glancing back to the whining little lamb and says, "So... You're saying that Sir Balan is mean to you because... he's being too busy with work? But he's already giving a little bit of his time by personally brought food for you. Is that not enough?"

"No! It's not!!" The little lamb whines while pouting his chestnut lips for feeling annoyed that his brother doesn't share the same opinion as him.

Aidan sigh, "Then I don't know what else to tell you, Noi. Besides, it's only been a week since Sir Balan distancing himself from you, right? I bet being a Lord that responsible to take care of the village's economy is not an easy matter, Noi. Maybe that's why."

"But but!" Noi whines again for feeling not satisfied with seemingly logical reason, "He never pays attention to me and didn't come back to the chamber!!"

"Well... maybe he just needs time to be alone? Couples need to have that you know."

"But it's not a valid reason na Phi," Tao finally chimed in and backs Noi up, "P'Balan should aware that he has Nong Noi now. So isn't it fair to at least pay attention to his partner for a little bit?"

Aidan blinks and shrugs as his attention is now on the bunny-teeth boy beside him, "Well... if you asked me, he didn't really ditch Noi fully, though. And in my opinion, Sir Balan might just not be able to manage his time well and puts Noi in a little bit below on his priority list"

"I'm not his first priority?!" Noi gasps with wet and wide doe-eyes.

"That just makes sense in this situation, Noi." Aidan back his reason up.


"Noi, it's not that because he doesn't love you anymore." The brother interrupts, "Just that he probably just too busy with work, given that there are so many things that require his attention. he's a Lord after all. So Sir Balan must've has such a big responsibility and lots of people are depending on him."

"But he already ruled so many years and the villagers are so obedient to him. P'Lambert and some other people are there to assist him. So it shouldn't be a problem," The young vampire counters.

The blonde let out a small jolt of surprise, "Really? But aside from that, Sir Balan seems to be quite young to rule, though. How old is he anyway?"

"A thousand seven hundred and ninety-five."

"I'm sorry, what?" Aidan widen his blue eyes, surprised that Tao had just uttered an overly excessive number, "A thousand... how many?"

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