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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


The ride was quite long from the big city to this small town at the edge of the country. It took around 7 hours by train, which successfully made his butt sore because of the hard seating of the carriage. Damn, why didn't they change the cushion of the seat or something? It's already so thin that he can literally felt the plank underneath it. Well, not that it matters now anyway, since he already arrived at his destination. Well not really, since he still needs to take another transportation to reach the final destination.

The weather is a bit colder since the location is quite near to the ocean. The cold breeze made him shivers, urging him to fold his hands in an attempt to hug himself. The sky is visibly greyed, indicating a storm might come. The young man stands in the lobby area at the entrance, where most people are waiting to be picked up and the rest are waiting for arrivals. His old leather bag is swung on his shoulder and his right-hand carry a small duffel bag containing his clothes and several brushes and paints.

Noi puts down the duffel bag and begins to look around, trying to find the vehicle that supposed to pick him up. He frowns as he briefly glances at the watch that wraps on his thin wrist. His beaten-up wristwatch shows 2.37 time with its arrows. The car is late on the arrival. He supposed to travel by 2 hours in the said car and another 2 hours by coach to reach the small village, which is his final destination.

He's contemplating whether to call the chauffeur's superior or not because of the delay, but his intention is beaten by his eldest brother, who has just called him, making Noi smile at how protective he is to him. He immediately answers with a smile still plaster on his face, "Hey, Al. I've arrived already. Just waiting for the car to come and pick me up."

"Ah, glad to hear that. How come they're still not picking you up? Didn't they say the car will be there around 2 pm? Now it's already 2.40 pm. So unprofessional!" Allan complains on the other line.

Noi laughs at how impatient his brother is, "It's just 40 minutes, Al. There's no need to grumble. Although, it looks like a storm is coming. I hope the car will arrive soon." the younger replies while looking at the greyed sky.

The other line sigh, "Sometimes you're too nice to other people, Noi. You should inform Sir Balan later that the chauffeur is late. That way he won't repeat the same mistake again."

Noi chuckles and was about to answer back when a black sleek car arrived in front of him. The vehicle looks so luxurious with a Mercedez-Benz logo standing proudly at the hood. Noi mouth slightly gaping at how fancy the car is, ignoring the blabbering voice that is still talking on the phone. The other line notices the lack of answers and begins to call his younger brother, "Hello? Earth to Noi! Oi! What happened?"

His eldest brother voice breaks his reverie, "Ah, sorry I was distracted. The car is here. I'll call you back when I reach there." he replies and cuts the line.

A man in his 30s comes out and opens the rear door for him while bowing politely. Noi approach the man who smiles politely at him, "Good afternoon, Mr Anson?"

The painter nods, "Hello and yes, that'll be me. Is this from..."

The driver nods back, "Yes, my name is Oliver and I came from the Blackburn household. Master Balan sends me to fetch you. Apologize for our lateness, Mr Anson. There was a little bit of a problem along the road because of the storm last night. But we'll assure you that now is everything is under control."

Noi smiles and nods again. He was about to take the small duffel bag that he carried earlier when Oliver beat him to it, "Allow me, Mr Anson. I will put this at the trunk. You can go ahead and sit inside the car."

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