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Author's Note: I might be going to update much slower than usual (Hehehe Sorry, my darlings~). There are lots of things going on in my life that I need to take care of first. Please wait patiently for me, readers! :)

I promise I won't be gone for too long.


Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


As the night passed by and dawn starts to brighten up the day, villager complaints have also begun to end. The inhabitants stopped their nightly activities and retreat to their own respective houses to reenergize themselves to have adequate energy to begin another night ahead.

Once the last villagers are out of the castle and the property close the entrance gate, Balan let out a relieved sigh for it is time for him to retreat back to his chamber. Even though the honoured doesn't need sleep, he still enjoys laying down on his fluffy mattress for several tens of minutes while looking at the ceiling. It's one of his favourite habits.

But before he even stands up from the throne, someone, a tall man in a bloodied black set of suit, suddenly walks into the spacious hall while dragging a male moose on its antler with one hand. The man's brown almond eyes gaze back to the black cat-shaped ones blankly. Then, his once straight bow-shaped lips form a smile to the latter.

"Brother Yngvarr."

Seeing the familiar man finally back makes Balan smiles widely as he spread his arms in a welcoming manner, "Aah, Elvar. Welcome home, my brother. But isn't it the time for me to call by Balan, now? That name is so out of date don't you think, Lambert?"

The man, Lambert, just nods away to answer and utters another question, "I hope my bunny didn't bother you too much when I was away, Balan. I'm sorry that I've been away much longer than expected."

"Ah, It's okay as I know moose is quite hard to come by in Sweden. Besides, we got a new pet to play with after all. So Tao didn't bother me too much today. Just today though," Balan briefly chuckles. Then he suddenly freezes for a few seconds and let out another smile, "Seems your bunny knows you're home."

Before Lambert can ask what does the latter mean by having a new pet, The tall double door of the throne room suddenly bangs open, revealing a very hyperactive boy that smiles widely, showing his adorable bunny teeth while jumping excitedly.

"P'Elie!" The boy happily shouts and runs to Lambert. In a second, the youngest boy is already embracing the moose-holder man as the latter's free hand ruffles the fluffy brown locks, "Seems you're excited to see me, Bunny."

Tao looks directly towards Lambert's handsome face while beaming with joy, "Of course! I've been so thirsty these past few days and craving moose for so long! If you've gone any longer than this I might accidentally sink my fang to P'In's new pet, you know?" as he cutely pouts.

"Pet?" Lambert asks curiously and diverts his gaze to Balan, "You have a new pet? What is it? What breed?"

Balan shrugs, "Yes. Human. Asian."

Lambert nods at the answer, "And where is the pet now?"

"Yeah, Where is it, Tao?" Balan throws the question back to the bunny-teeth boy.

Tao pouts, "Back to your chamber, of course! I've already locked him away there like you've said before. Don't you know this already, Phi?"

Balan replies with a wide smile, satisfied that Tao still remembers his message, "I'm just double-checking. Now, if you excuse me," the honoured stands up and fix his suit, "I'll retreat to my chamber for now. Do not disturb me, please."

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