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Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


He really doesn't know what happened, maybe his luck or God's taking a pity on him, but Noi successfully passed the village's gate by secretly hitchhiking inside the van without a hassle. The vehicle is now currently driven to god knows where, but for sure it'll be away from the village.

Then not long after, Noi can feel that the vehicle is stopping and slowly gradually going to the side, indicating that the car must've pulled over. The rear door of the car suddenly being opened by the driver of this vehicle as the latter jump in surprise, "Oh my God! Who are you?!"

At first, the driver thought that one of the human sacrifices managed to escape. But the man caught the sight of Noi's pendant and immediately recognize Blackburn's family crest. His face suddenly gone pale and without waiting for Noi's explanation, runs away and leave the vehicle while shouting in fear as he thought the mysterious hitchhiker is one of the vampires that will try to kill him.

The loud scream from the man startles Noi, momentarily freeze him at how agonizing that voice sound. But the human boy quickly recollects himself and calls back while going out of the vehicle to chase the driver, "Wait! Mister!!"

But Noi stopped once he can't see the sight of the driver anymore. The human boy also realizes that he's currently on a lonely road in the middle of the forest at night. There's not a single car passing through from both ends and Noi doesn't really know which side is going to lead him to the nearest town.

Shit! Noi didn't consider the time and where he currently is since the chance to escape was so abruptly. Now that it must've been around midnight, of course, no human won't dare to be on a creepy road like this inside a dense forest in the middle of nowhere. Adding that there's no street light that is able to help him at least see the end of each side makes it worse. Noi can only see much by the aid of the faint glow of half-moon above him.

Noi then turns and peek at the driver's side to check on the car, thinking that he can just use the van and ride in whatever direction that will at least, take him somewhere. But it seems his luck really had just run out since the runaway driver took out the car keys and brought it along.

"SHIT!!" Noi shouts and bangs the van's door out of frustration. Now, what the fuck should he do? There's seems to be no way out of this. Should Noi just wait until morning inside the car? Or should he just try to do that flicking the wire thingy that he has often seen in the movies? But how to even do that though? Which cable that he needs to pull, cut, and flick together? He had no idea at all and never thought of learning either since he was such a good boy that'll be impossible to face this kind of situation.

But of course, fate decides to fuck around with him.

In the middle of his lamenting, Noi suddenly hears friction of leaves shaking that comes from one of the bushes behind him. It makes Noi stand alert and quickly turn to see what made that sound. The human boy is afraid it might've been some kind of wild animal that can maul him to death. Despite winning many fights before, Noi for sure won't be able to out strength any wild animal with his lanky figure.

But what's in front of him is not some kind of wild animal. It might be better if it is though because at least Noi will be able to think of a way to shoo it away or at least lock himself inside the car.

Because what's facing him right now, standing few metres away from him is a caucasian man with dirty blonde hair wearing a pair of glasses. He's quite well-built, slightly shorter but definitely bigger than Noi. And what's worrying, or even horrifying is that the man is drenched in blood and there's a corpse of another man with a terrible condition is laying in between the stranger's legs. The corpse is mutilated beyond recognition as the insides of it is bursting out, showing the inner organ to the others that are still alive.

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