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A human having regular sex with a robust high-rank vampire is already mind-blowing. The gap between both beings in strength and endurance is so wide that it was impossible to satisfy both sides of the party. That's why when Noi was still a human, he's subconsciously tempted to have sex almost every day for a couple of rounds for Balan's sake. The honoured then compromised by carefully held the fragile boy and stopping when the human partner couldn't take it anymore. 

But whenever they done intercourse, Noi often would have no energy left to do anything else and was almost bound to lay on the bed all day. For Balan, he would have to finish it all by himself by either stroking it alone pitifully or endure the torturing blue balls until it died down on its own.

It was humiliating for both of them. But what can they do about it?

Now, as both of them are vampires, the lack of endurance is finally able to be closed off. Even though there's still a small gap in between them, at least Balan won't need to hold back and Noi won't be as tired as the latter used to. This also means the sex between him and his adorable partner will be wilder, more sensual and longer with rounds and rounds of intercourse all day and night.

And that's what exactly they had done.

The poor bed had been creaking nonstop since last night until now when the sun is already so high up in the sky. And since the furniture is not laced with any supernatural spell for durability purposes, the poor thing finally gave up and collapsing. The debris almost hit the couple that had been torturing it with endless violent shaking. But one of the heavy wooden pieces of the canopy successfully fell to the wide porcelain back that is free from any threads and startle the owner of the sturdy bodily part that is currently kneeling on top of the damp mattress.

For information, vampires don't sweat. So the mattress is soggy because... you know.

Wild. So wild. What a wild couple.

"Oh dear," Balan briefly mutters when his eye caught the sight of the heavy canopy part on the floor that had just fallen on him a few seconds ago. It doesn't hurt or even bruised him, but the hit caused the vampire lord to stop his pounding just to see and notice the wrecked bed that is caused by their violent movements. 

Then, a pair of dainty hands gently held both of his forearms and catch his attention back to the person below him, the one he had been relentlessly impaling to all night and day.  

Noi takes in a little swallow for seeing the man above him. The latter is still looking so strong and masculine as ever. It incites the little lamb's desire to be dominated again. Because of that, his teary doe-eyes gaze back to the vampire lord with a pleading, "W-why did you stop?"

Seeing Noi's seductive and submissive side reawaken Balan's libido, making the veiny hands that still held under Noi's knees and press the long legs to the latter's torso tighten their grip. Even after rounds and rounds of rough fucking, the desire to rip this pretty being for another round keeps on coming back, rising so high up the moment those doe-eyes pleading back to be wrecked again.


The honoured follows Noi's desire, starting to thrust again and begins to fasten his pace to wreck this adorable vampire underneath him. The act makes the anklet jingle violently in between a series of loud and high-pitched moans from the chestnut lips. It means the one he's currently impaling continuously is very much appreciated for the hard pounding on the prostate.

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