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Three years had passed in a blink of an eye. The once quiet and eerie village has turned livelier, with the tourism sector continues to get an increase in both human visitors and revenue. This is due to the villagers' impeccable service under the disguise of hereditary work that passed down from generation to generation.

But today, the village has decided to close its gate as there's a very special occasion that will be held at the old chapel in their peaceful village. It is a Union ceremony between their two lords. The most powerful and oldest Blackburn with his adorable and way youngest beloved, who is still naughty and bratty like always.

Villagers have already sat at the wooden benches, filling the front rows while also looking presentable with their formal dresses. And the residents' ancient style earns an odd look from Aidan, who sits at the most front on the right side of the nave with the other Ansons sitting beside him.

"Don't you think they look so vintage, mom? Look," The blonde calls his mother while pointing out to a villager woman at the other side wearing a victorian bonnet cap, "Who on earth wears that kind of headwear these days?"

Hearing the call, the mother stops talking to her husband and glance at her stepson. She then warns him with a slap on the thigh, "Ai! It is not polite to point at people and make a comment on their choice of clothing!"

"Ow! Mom!" Aidan whines and rubs the hit area, "I'm just saying!"

"Who cares if they look not in this era, Ai?" Annie who sits on his other side chimed in, "They still look fabulous in my opinion. Isn't the vintage feeling is also the charm of this place, anyway?"

"Yes!," The mother agreed and smile, "It's has been quite a long time since we've visited this peaceful village as well. The last time was on Noi's 21st birthday back in February and that was around 5 months ago."

"Speaking of Noi," Aidan steers the conversation to another topic as he briefly gazes at the closed door of the chapel, then back to his family, "Don't you think it's too soon for him to marry? He's still 21 after all."

The mother raises one of her thick eyebrows, "How is it soon? They have been dating for 3 years. Besides, Sir Balan will be turning 35 this year, right? It will be too old for him to wait any longer."  

The statement makes Aidan gone quiet and went on a short journey inside his own thought. He then glances towards the altar while muttering, "But really, do you think Sir Balan's really 35 years old? He honestly doesn't look that old."

The wondering makes Bruce, who kept his quiet the whole time to slightly jump in his seat as sweat has been profusely dampening his forehead. 

Even though both Blackburns can hear the exchanging conversation, they chose to ignore it since a much important matter is now already fills their plate. Especially the groom, who kept on looking at the still-closed door of the entrance's chapel.

Balan looks overly handsome with the perfectly tailored all-black suit and bow tie with the family's symbol as a brooch. His dark chocolate lock is styled sleekly back with a part on the right side.

Lambert, who stands beside the impatient man, chuckles in amused, "It's still not the time for him to appear, Brother."

"I know," Balan replies with a strained sigh, "But I just... feeling nervous as I never thought this day would come. Hopefully, nothing bad is going to ruin this good day."

"I assure you, not even Hel can ruin this event, brother," Lambert reassures.

"How so?"

The offspring makes a reading gesture with his hand, "That sacred book from Gothi said it. It'll take a minimum of a thousand years for her to reappear in front of us again. It's not that easy to find the right vessel and transfer a piece of her soul inside of it."

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