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Author's note: Thank you for the answers, readers! Now I know where to lead the story ending later on :)


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


Since the time for the village to be open to the public is getting nearer, Balan has decided to observe their progress by coming to today's daily report that is always being done in the throne room. And since Noi has stuck to their Lord's side, the schedule is shifted to the early afternoon as it was usually the time the little lamb has woken up from his human slumber.

"...and if you subtract this expenditure and allocate it to the other supplies, it will be more beneficial for you." Lambert gives advice as he is the one who manages the villagers' reports. The offspring will also act as an analyzer for the small businesses and his advice is often very much helpful to the business owners. But as the owners are lower-rank vampires, they never seem to really understand what their Lord's advisor had said. proven by how this lady, Miriam, looks at Lambert blankly, "I'm sorry, Sir Lambert. But could you explain it to me once again?"

Letting out a hard sigh, Lambert grumpily points to his notes and explain again with a harsher tone, "Listen carefully, Miriam! You have to allocate this one and shift it here! Look! And if you..."

But however how harsh Lambert's voice is, it still helps to make Noi feels drowsy on top of Balan's lap because of how boring the topic is. And his slowing heartbeat and nuzzling gesture is being felt by the honoured as the baritone voice chuckles before speaking, "Darling, are you sleepy?"

"Mm," Noi hums his reply, "It's... boring."

"Indeed," The honoured agreed and points with his chin to Tao, "Why don't you ask Tao to accompany you? He seems to be bored as well."

And true to Balan's statement, the youngest vampire is currently sitting on the ground with both hands supporting his chin. The bunny-teeth boy keeps on exhaling breaths every less than five minutes while pouting in Lambert's direction, bored to wait for his big bad wolf who is still busy nagging the empty-headed villagers.

So, after weighing for a while, Noi accepts the honoured's suggestion and stands up. But his hand suddenly being grab before he can walk to Tao, making him turn to Balan with a wondering gaze.

He thought Balan will remind him to not wander off too far, or alerting him to not go out of the castle. But to his surprise, the thin lips curving up as the honoured's dazzling feature soften, "Enjoy yourself. I'll pick you up once I'm done."

The encouragement instantly reddening Noi's cheek as his adorable bratty attitude emerge to hide his shyness, "What's wrong with you? You've been really weird this past couple of weeks."

"Am I?" Balan hums and lets out a full smile oh so handsomely, "Probably because I'm trying to gain your heart and forgiveness."

"Ish!" Noi scrunches his nose and pulls his hand to use it to hide his uncontrollable blooming smile. Ignoring the baritone chuckle and not wanting to let the honoured enjoy his embarrassment, Noi quickly runs to Tao with half of his face still hidden by those dainty hands.




"You two changed na," Tao suddenly says after staring at Noi for a while, " and it looks like P'In really takes care of you very well recently."

"What do you mean?" Noi asks back as his hands stop weaving the flowers.

They are currently sitting on the grassy ground at the small garden in the middle of the castle,  enjoying the rarely-comes warm weather. Earlier, Benson who just came out after giving daily report had given them some flowers to play with and they decided to use them and do some weaving.

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