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"...with that, I suggest we fasten the process of making this village a tourist destination as soon as possible, my Lord. The offsprings are in dire need of to taste of human flesh. Animal meat and a sip of human blood are no longer satisfied them." A man with blonde hair speaks to Balan, who is also the Lord of the land. The honoured is currently sitting on a throne while casually twirling a wine glass filled with blood while chewing a bloodied eyeball, "I've told you to wait for King's approval, Rikkard."

The blonde man, whose name is Rikkard, is obviously the representative of the villagers and continues to advise while dramatically lifting his hand in the air, "But we are a superior being that the King himself afraid of, my Lord!" he then continues to be over-the-top as his emotions start to be on fire, "We shall not..."

Not really listening fully since he knows Rikkard is really a stubborn man, Balan lazily takes another eyeball from the bowl that is placed on the food trolley beside him and chews on it, enjoying the springy texture it gives as the sweetness of blood mixed with salty liquid burst inside his mouth. He then casually takes a sip of blood as he wishes he can just have the ability to feel drowsy because this speech is getting boring every second.

Being a first-generation vampire, Balan does not need to sleep. This is because the venom inside him helps to regenerate his body at a rapid pace, making him never tire out and feel the need to sleep.

Sometimes he feels envious of Tao because of this, as he always sees the young vampire spends most of his morning sleeping. For Balan, the feeling of drowsiness and being able to sleep helps a lot to pass a little bit of time from their eternal life. Them being immortal often feels very bored to their monotone and lonely life. So, spending some of their 24 hours in a day in unconsciousness doesn't sound bad in his opinion.

He then turns his gaze to Hans, as the head butler currently sticks his eyes to a small notebook that he held while scribbling every word that Rikkard had said. It seems not a single word had been left out if you see how fast Hans' hand is currently scribbling on the paper.

The sight makes Balan pout a little bit because the head butler seems to write all unclear words of what this blabbering blonde man had said. If Hans just ended up going to records all of them and force Balan to reread it again after this, Then why on earth he needs to hear all of this?

The honoured sighs as he sips the blood in his wine glass while looking bored.

They are currently in the throne room, a vast hall with the single fancy-as-fuck throne on top of a platform that is placed at the farthest edge of the room. The room often functions as a meeting place between the villagers and the authorities that are tasked to listen to their confides. Usually, Lambert is the one who has the duty to listen to the villagers' whining as he is the most trusted man of Balan. Even though he's not the most patient.

But Lambert is currently unavailable at the moment because his spoiled lover had been craving moose meat. So being whipped lover as he is, Lambert obliges to the request and now had gone to Sweden in a quest to hunt for a moose, causing him to be gone and leave Balan to be stuck doing this boring job for a week.

He should've ordered Tao to do this task as the boy is very talkative. It might even ward off the sulker away because of the young vampire's hobby to blabber continuously.

And as if the God, or maybe Satan, hears his lament, the tall double-door suddenly burst open as the human boy that he wrecked yesterday night stomps into the room with a cute grumpy expression on his beautiful face. Noi doesn't seem to realize that he had interrupted an important meeting as he's too angry to mind. Not far from him, Tao is seen tailing behind him with a confused expression.

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