Some Effort Required

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Goku clenched his fists together, erupting in a fiery blaze that boomed out as a rising pillar and rocketed out in a break through the atmosphere of Planet Vegeta as the Saiyan's roar echoed throughout the planet like a crack of thunder. Frieza's face pulled and tugged in every direction as his opponent kicked off the ground and dashed across, cutting the space between the two in a blink.

Just as the tyrant put up his dukes to defend himself, Goku vanished and slid across space above Frieza before landing directly from above with a double ax handle slam that socked Frieza's upper section and bent the emperor over. A pushing knee strike to Frieza's chest sent the injured tyrant swerving before the scorned Saiyan took a balanced stance and threw both of his hands aside with a rowdy yell as a Kiai wave clapped Frieza away while Goku, burning up with robust King Kai's Fist aura hurried in pursuit.

Frieza cried out in pain when Goku drove his entire body into his opponent after catching up to him, throwing hooks and back elbow strikes and whipping with stiff kicks as the Saiyan turned and slammed his strikes and kicks like a whirlwind of limbs rising in the air until Goku either ran out of breath or his imagination in ways he could further pummel his opponent grew short. A double ax handle slam sent Frieza rocketing down before Goku dived after with cerulean Ki blasts glowing in both hands.

Goku cried out in grand effort while launching his Ki bullets after Frieza, one of them slammed right into the back of the falling tyrant while the other outraced him and hurried toward the ground before stopping an inch short and careening back up to slam right into Frieza's front and send the tyrant hurling upward and toward his pursuing and wrathful opponent. Goku threw a rising knee strike once he caught up to Frieza's fall and extended his hands to the side once more, freezing his opponent in place with a strident Kiai shock wave before cupping his hands behind him.

"Kamehameha!" Goku yelled out, blasting his opponent aside on a brief notice before hunching up and roaring in pain and need to hurt this unrepentant monster more even if the cost of this breakthrough is the integrity of his own body. "King Kai's Fist X20!" Goku bawled exploding in a bleeding aura of red once more as he charged after Frieza, still riding the blaze of the Kamehameha wave that blasted him away from the frightened Saiyans and survivors of the telekinetic crash of the Capsule Corp spaceship.

Goku's punch split through his own Kamehameha wave, digging into Frieza's cheek with such thunderous uproar that the emperor's head malformed like beaten rubber, spitting up blood, snot, and slobber while Goku let his mighty fist fling Frieza away while he rolled through the space between them and threw a crashing double ax handle slam to drive his opponent as close to the ground and possible before Goku vanished and appeared before the ground, sliding across the ground as if surfing it and tackling his spinning opponent while Goku bellowed in pain and thrust his open palm, driving it into Frieza's lower chin and expelling a cracking Kiai shock wave at the same time to throw Frieza skyward.

The angered Saiyan rolled upward, crashing into Frieza like a human cannonball before kicking him even further away and chasing after. Crying without an intelligible thought of both weariness and wrath alike, Goku stomped at Frieza with a rampant flurry of kicks before running out of energy and stopping suddenly as his arms flopped weightless beside him. Frieza let out a shrill shriek and extended his palm, grabbing his wrist with the free arm and propelling Goku to crash back down with a telekinetic push that detonated in a resounding cloud of ignition, though it was quick to dissipate.

"Y-You!" Frieza hissed, his fingers twitched and wrangled while vessels of blood fissured in from around Frieza's lone functional eye. "You mongrel! That's it, you've done it now, I'll obliterate you using all 50% of my remaining power! Until now I've only been fighting at 1%, even with these injuries you and your band of savages will stand no chance in hell!"

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