Handy Sage Tricks

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"Hmm... Something weird must have happened here. What an oddball of a planet..." Commander Zeeun stroked his chin while observing the wreckage of what was once the headquarters of the Red Ribbon Army. Now the place was consumed by radioactive fallout and only carried nothing but wreckage and decayed corpses. "There's some foul energy in the air. Hmmm... It's evil there's no doubt about it but I don't think I like it much."

"Commander, we've found a curious structure further north. It looks like some sort of a command tower. It goes all the way into the upper layers of the atmosphere of the planet even," an armored soldier reported, scratching his helmet so that it shifted over his malformed, demonic head.

"Is that so? Maybe they've blasted this military base here into oblivion from that tower? It must have a mighty super-weapon of sorts up there. Let's claim it for Lord Slug!" Commander Zeeun stood up from examining the contaminated dirt and looked up and toward the direction of the Korin Tower far off in the distance. Further than his eye could reach though the Commander did not lead based on what he could see, rather on the intelligence he had and received.

A buff, native man looked up and lifted his spear off the ground, trying to take aim at the swarms of armored enemies filling the skies but he realized that there might have been too many invaders and that they were far too high up for him to reach. Bora had never encountered assailants that flew this high up, not even when the Red Ribbon treaded into the Sacred Land of Korin with their aircraft. It was evident that these fliers intended to invade the Korin Tower itself as they adjusted their altitude for the couple of temples that the tower hosted.

"Hmm... I wonder what we're going to do with you..." Korin scratched his head when soldiers began filling up the vacant skies around his temple like clouds. Commander Zeeun revealed himself from the thickness of his platoon of space demons as he addressed the white cat watching the tower.

"You are unlike the other inhabitants of Planet Earth we've seen, furball. We've come for the valuables that this here command center has," Zeeun spoke bluntly.

"Well, aren't you gonna fight them and protect your master?" Korin turned back to Yajirobe who was pulling live fish out of a barrel and just waved his hand in dismissal.

"Wha? No way, no way, can't do it, can't be done. Those guys are too tough... I've got no wish of gettin' myself killed!" Yajirobe replied and turned his nose up.

"This Earthling speaks wisdom in surrendering to Lord Slug's authoritative rule," Commander Zeeun beamed a smile at Korin. "Now, hand us all the valuable technology you have or we'll obliterate both of you and this tower."

"Huh? You dumbass, there ain't anythin' valuable up 'ere, if there was, I'd 'ave long since taken it and scrammed..." Yajirobe sighed, realizing that he had spent entire years up on this accursed tower ever since Yamcha carried him here just hoping that one day all of this mystical mumbo jumbo he casually engaged in would yield something of value that would have made up for all this crazy trip that Yamcha made for him after taking Yajirobe away from his prairie. "Nothin' but fish and beans..."

"We Evil Tribe have no need for your pathetic food items, Earthlings!" Commander Zeeun clenched his fist, displeased by the answer. The commanding officer of Lord Slug's clan extended his arm out, unleashing a flashing blast of Ki that in his mind should have sufficed in incinerating the entire tower as well as the two dimwits mocking Lord Slug's clan.

Once the smoke and the echoing howl cleared, however, Commander Zeeun found himself distrustful of his own eyes when both the Korin Tower, Korin, and Yajirobe remained completely intact as Zeeun failed to break even a single pillar of the tower. This made Commander Zeeun feel obliged to turn around and excuse himself in front of his soldiers, all of whom opened fire at once at the tower as well as the white cat and the fat ronin living in the Korin Temple.

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