New Beginnings Waiting For Dawn

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"Mind your tone, woman, you're addressing Saiyan royalty here!" Vegeta pointed to himself before approaching Goku. The normally aloof Earth-raised Saiyan became serious when Vegeta revealed himself, though nothing in his body language or expression outright challenged Vegeta. "Things aren't done between us, Kakarot! Do you think I'll ever forgive you for making a fool of me and becoming a Super Saiyan? I'll make things right!"

"It wasn't my idea," Goku replied calmly. "I would have never chosen to become a Super Saiyan if it meant borrowing power to do it. I'd have liked to beat Frieza with my own strength but he was just too wild of a guy."

"Chayote, do Saiyans get a Zenkai boost after dying? If just fighting strengthens them, wouldn't getting killed and coming back to life make a Saiyan incredibly powerful and dangerous?" Bulma leaned in to Chayote. The grumpy female Saiyan had kept her eyes on Vegeta the whole time he started prancing around the wasteland like a huge diva and frightening the Earthlings who only knew him for who he was–a vicious warrior prone to rampages with an explosive temper. Those that remained on Earth had heard that Vegeta helped some on Planet Vegeta, but they've never experienced him as anything other than what they've known him to be during his attack on Earth.

"Not in my experience. I've actually got a bunch weaker until I could eat my fill and rest up. Though something's a bit off. Vegeta's far more powerful now than he was before his death, almost as if he had gone through Zenkai... He's a danger to Earth, for sure. I'll keep a watch on him, that's my job now." Chayote replied.

"So, what now?" Vegeta spread his arms out to gesture toward the entirety of his people, that appeared weary and hungry. It was difficult to say just what effect this oppressive exhaustion would have on the Saiyans. One way to look at it would have implied that they'd have been much easier to handle while hungry and weakened, another way to look at it would have suggested that their weariness would have made the Saiyans grumpy. "You've brought us to this planet so you better offer us a good place to live, plenty of grub, and a place to let loose!"

The Saiyans began speaking up louder and louder. For an oppressed group that may not have liked Vegeta all that much before the conflict with Frieza because of his personality, the group had been behind him all the way despite knowing that they were talking back to a Super Saiyan. Their mumblings began unintelligible babble that turned into howling and chanting. Vegeta sure knew how to fire his people up.

"Well, you got us into this trouble!" Bulma turned to Goku with a scornful look of a mother who wanted to punish a child for an immature decision he had made. "I'm not gonna have my new consultant get into a fight and ask for sick days before she actually started working for me so you better think up of something!"

"They could live in one of the destroyed cities. South City or East City, they both have some scorched earth landscapes that the Saiyans could occupy for a little while." Chayote suggested.

"If you were fine with us living in inhospitable wastelands, you should have just left us in Planet Vegeta!" the king of Saiyans clenched his fists, visibly losing his cool with Chayote, who had none with Vegeta, to begin with. The two took a few steps up to each other with Chayote staring at Vegeta eye-to-eye.

"Please, don't fight!" Gohan stepped in between Chayote and Vegeta, pressing his tiny knuckles against Chayote's abdomen and gently holding her back as he had been too terrified of Vegeta and his royal personage to even come near the king's personal space. "The Saiyans and people can live together, just like we've lived with the Namekians for a little while."

"Don't compare us to those space-slugs!" Vegeta objected. "A measly river won't sustain our race. Nor are we entertained by sitting still staring at the other end of our eyelids!" the king barked out and his people cheered with fists thrown into the air.

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