Two VS 10 000 000 000!?

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Meta-Cooler's radar eyes shined with a glint before Gohan's hands shot up out of sheer fighting instinct. A shimmering mass of energy sizzled over Gohan's cross-shaped block. Almost immediately Piccolo's teachings to follow the tide of battle using his Ki sensory and not his eyes scolded Gohan's back like hot water but by the time he lingered on that thought and processed it–it was already too late.

In a nigh-instantaneous dash, Meta-Cooler vanished and appeared directly behind Gohan while he still struggled against the Lock-On Buster. Gohan's eyes whited out after a gruesome thud to the back of his head, but instead of falling down, the teen stumbled forward, gritting his teeth and toughing the pain and the creeping numbness out. Gohan put up his hands again to block Meta-Cooler's overhead elbow strike, then placed them out in front of him to absorb the follow-up elbow crash to his chest.

Gohan's arms felt exactly how they looked in motion–as if they were made of lead. Meta-Cooler's diving step-in jab stunned the teen's whole body by outracing his numb arms and shooting straight for the opening in his guard. Once Gohan was wide open, Cooler shot his elbow to the center of Gohan's throat, whiting the young Saiyan out as he wheezed and crumbled to his knees. This much humiliation just didn't feel right for the silver cyborg as he stomped over Gohan's head to drill it into the floor even further.

"Don't blame yourself, runt. You were well-taught, all things considered. But even the best fighters have openings in their patterns and styles. All except Project Meta-Cooler. We grow stronger each time we are injured, evolving and adapting past our weaknesses until we have no more left. Until we become perfect," Meta-Cooler gloated of his success while toying around with the young Saiyan. His snickering attitude seemed to slip as it appeared as if though, no matter how hard Meta-Cooler stomped and wriggled, Gohan's neck would not snap nor would his neck crack.

"King Kai's Fist x20!" Gohan yelled out as his unfurling scarlet aura exploded and flung Meta-Cooler flipping backward, his radar eyes open wide in surprise. Even as Meta-Cooler's radar and analytics worked on calculating Gohan's current stats and relaying his potential patterns to the ultimate cyborg of the Big Gete Star, it was Meta-Cooler's own mind and disbelief that held the cyborg back.

With a sense of newfound calmness, Gohan exhaled and took a single step forward. With that step, the youth vanished at once and appeared right in front of Meta-Cooler, surpassing even Meta-Cooler's own hyper movement in speed. As Gohan's right uppercut dug into Meta-Cooler's abdomen, the metallic tyrant didn't even attempt to follow or intercept the attack since he already knew it to be hopeless.

Young Gohan hopped up, flinging his right foot up and whipping it into Meta-Cooler's chin. This tested the fortitude of the cyborg's neck as it had stretched out beyond how much mere human tendons could have supported it. Turning around in mid-air, blazing, Gohan forced a roundhouse kick to send Meta-Cooler crashing through the wall. This time he didn't disappear inside it as he used to in order to throw his opponents off-guard. Likely a result of Bulma's hostile takeover of Meta-Cooler's precious system.

Gohan wasn't about to let up. He only had a single heartbeat of overwhelming power and he planned to use it. Exclaiming his proud battle cry throughout the halls of the darkened Big Gete Star, the young Saiyan burst through the wall as well, pounding Meta-Cooler repeatedly as much as his wavering breath and self-doubting willpower allowed him. A lashing kick, a flurry of jabs to each side of Meta-Cooler's jaw, then a double ax handle slam to the top of his head delivered so close to the floor that Gohan blared Meta-Cooler clean through it and sent him into the service facilities.

"You'll have to do far better than that..." Meta-Cooler hissed, somehow rising on his feet while wavering and stumbling around. Lightning sparkles shot out from his damaged abdomen and his busted jaw leaked, but his metallic tendon wires worked overtime to reconnect and bolster the cyborg to prevent further analogous injury. "Your pitiful stamina and life force are limited. Meta-Cooler is eternal...!"

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