Paradise Found

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Chayote's eyes lingered on the unconscious and gravely injured body of Trunks lying further away as a tether to reality. No matter how much the world under her feet shook and how hard uncontrollable wrath tried ripping her away from the state of control, the Saiyan stayed in control. Though, given the adamant submission hold that the devious Android had her in, maybe losing control and flipping out wouldn't have been that bad of an idea?

No matter how hard Chayote struggled or the angles in which she tried to turn her body to gain even the most minute of leisure space pockets to move and bend her body in, One-Nine molded her body in just the right way to keep the rowdy Saiyan in check. Had it not been for One-Nine's energy-draining ability sapping Chayote's strength with each second that their bodies were making contact she'd have long overpowered her attacker and ripped apart into a pile of her limbs stacked neatly to form a pillow for her head.

Dark clouds reigned in, sinking the mountainous wasteland in a gloomy atmosphere even before a few cold, wet drops clicked against the stone floor or Chayote's feverish skin. One-Nine tried tightening her submission hold to dislocate Chayote's limbs from the joints and crack her neck to paralyze the Saiyan from the neck down so that she could drain Chayote until she had her fill with the hysterical Saiyan but with a crude pushback Chayote still fought those attempts back effectively.

A flash colored everything white. All traces of wrath had left Chayote's consciousness as she had blanked out in the purity and suddenness of the flash. It was only when the beaming light died out and a thunderous crack nearly split Chayote's head in painful resonance that the Saiyan realized it had been a bolt of lightning that hit the Android restraining her. Suddenly, the tension and pressure around Chayote's joints and limbs had been entirely absent, and One-Nine laid like a lifeless doll behind Chayote. Her Lolita-themed, frilly dress smoked and traces of dirt and ash corrupted the pale white skin of the bratty Android.

"As the Kami of this world, it is my duty to protect my temple and this planet!" Upa's strict voice echoed through the wasteland as the warrior native to the Sacred Lands of Korin floated atop of a magical carpet with the right of his tomahawks pointed at the fallen enemy. "I have sat idly and allowed the people inhabiting this planet to fight for it, just like my predecessor has done for too long. I have decided to take a more active approach in preventing the plague you spread."

"Shrimp..." Chayote coughed up as she gathered her strength to return to her feet. Upa's magical carpet descended to her level, levitating just a few feet above the ground while Kami Upa took a subtle hop off of it and landed in front of his old friend.

"I'm taller than you now, you know. At least before you bulk up and go all feral..." the left tip of Upa's lips tilted slightly, curving his cheek while the warrior walked out in between One-Nine and Chayote to signal that he would protect both Trunks and Chayote from having their Ki sucked dry by this parasitic, megalomaniacal machine.

One-Nine's eyes shot wide open. Her body levitated off the ground while remaining straight as a plank and with ample telekinetic force, she manipulated herself upright and landed on her feet, giving Kami Upa a defiant and hateful sneer.

"You're not a powerful fighter. Killing you would take no effort at all, and yet that lightning stung a fair bit. How come?" One-Nine muttered in an apathetic tone, demanding to know the source behind Upa's rib-rattling attack that had forced One-Nine apart from her ideal target.

"Even the toughest muscles cannot defend against magic," Upa took a fighting stance. "As Kami, I have honed both my physical abilities and my magical powers alike. While I am not as strong as Chayote or her friends or as powerful of a magical being as my predecessors resting in the Divine Sage Realm, but you would be wise not to underestimate the fearsome combination of might and magic that are the powers of Kami."

Dragon Ball Z: Paradise FoundWhere stories live. Discover now