A Saiyan's Destiny

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"Ho, how amusing and yet frustrating at the same time," Frieza scowled at Piccolo, sighing after a few glances and transitioning into a polite smirk with his despicably fishy face. "You're capable of regenerating on such a remarkable scale, mollusk. I would commend you if your clinginess to life didn't make you out to be such a pest!"

"You're the pest of this universe, Frieza, and I intend to get rid of you!" Piccolo sneered back at the tyrant, he clenched his fists and drove his arms to the side. He'd need to push King Kai's Fist as far as possible. If he prioritized regeneration over actually leaving a dent on Frieza, he'd only prolong the inevitable, anyway. "King Kai's Fist X10!" Piccolo roared out as his body bulged and strained with grotesque, fleshy churning noises, pumping up pure force while it would inevitably break down.

Piccolo lit up with a golden gleam that changed its hue while flashing from inside an intense pillar of scarlet. From within the pillar, three identical copies of the original split off and cracked their knuckles before taking off toward Frieza. The space emperor vanished to thin air, accompanied by the combined vanishes of the clones as they blinked in and out of vision alongside Frieza, engaged in a desperate game of cat and mouse.

With a sick smirk, Frieza appeared from behind a clone and drove his cross into Piccolo's spine, bending the clone's body outward and breaking its back at once before kicking it away to disappear in a flash of golden sparks while its King Kai's Fist aura died out immediately. Frieza shrieked out, thrusting his fingers rapidly and unleashing a hail of Death Beams in all directions, shooting down another clone, no matter how valiant his effort of avoiding certain death was. The third clone snapped up to Frieza with a flashing blitzer of energy crackling around his right fist.

"Explosive Demon Flash!" Piccolo growled while the energy in his right enveloped both of his extended palms and blasted outward in a short-range, erupting energy explosion. The vague outlines of Frieza's image faded away in the harmony of intense, flashing light, but that despicable snapping noise alerted Piccolo to cancel his technique prematurely and try to race against his opponent before...

Frieza's jab dug into Piccolo's ribs from the side. The tyrant had snapped away with rapid motion, dodging the near-perfect point-blank attack and countering it with a quick jab to Piccolo's gut. The broken Super Namekian puked out purple blood and his eyes whited out when Frieza's tail wrapped around his neck and snapped it with one slick motion.

"I don't take you'll be regenerating from that?" Frieza chuckled, but to his surprise and great annoyance–the Piccolo he had just snapped the neck of dissipated into glowing ethereal dust of pure Ki energy. "Another doppelganger? Then where on Earth?" Frieza threw his head around, attempting to find his opponent somewhere around him but failing.

Piccolo pressed his back against a risen stone platform, occasionally bathed in lashes of molten magma erupting from a glowing crater underneath. The battlefield had taken just as fair of a beating as both Piccolo and Frieza did. Had he been any more naïve, he'd have gone for it right now, bolted, and raced to the spaceship. This was his moment and with each passing moment, he was losing it.

However, within this moment of hope laid a mean trap. Frieza was much faster than Piccolo, this third form of his was deceitfully rapid for its weird composition and body shape. The moment Piccolo raised a ruckus by trying to move fast enough to get out of Dodge, he'd get spotted. Even if he gave Frieza the slip, he'd be returning to a trapped spaceship that couldn't take off, a spaceship Frieza knows the approximate location to if the fact that the Earthlings landed in one of Planet Vegeta's ports was relayed to him by one of his subordinates.

"Curse you, you damned bipedal gastropod! How dare you try to give me the slip after stepping up and declaring yourself superior to me, Lord Frieza!?" Frieza seethed in hatred, exploding with all of his remaining power at once. "Damn you, damn you and Lord Beerus! Can't even destroy this accursed planet!" Frieza burst into an unintelligible scream of pure wrath as his pink Ki expanded and pierced through the clouds with a booming pillar extending out into the cosmos through Planet Vegeta's atmosphere.

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