Frieza Makes A Move

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The standard, white uniform boots of a soldier in Frieza's Army touched the bumpy road leading up to a tall medical facility tower. A futuristic facility shaped like an oval stone with decorations and exterior modeled similar to the motifs used on the Frieza Army armor and combat gear. None of the soldiers standing by stopped the approaching purple-skinned, fish-faced alien. Their scouting eyes halted on the passing by alien, however, a few of them even gulped down something heavy in their throats, hoping that they weren't the object of the elite soldier's ire at this moment.

It was only when the door to a specific medical room opened up and the alien revealed himself to the meek medical staff observing a trio of medical pods located inside that the scaly, grumpy-looking alien met the first resistance when a reptilian alien half his size who didn't look like the nature had designed it for combat or efficient movement ran out in front of the much more intimidating elite and spread his hands out before him as an attempt to block any further progression.

"Cui-san, please, Vegeta-san is injured! He has no time for your typical rivalry business. He still needs some more time to fully recover from the injuries sustained on Planet Babari!" the medical staff alien tried reasoning with the much taller alien while his expression and the smell of sweat exuding off of him relayed the actual message.

"Move aside. I've got orders from Lord Frieza himself to eliminate this waste of army rations!" Cui answered, giving the medical staff soldier a cold look that let him know that if he didn't step out of Cui's way–he'd also sign himself up as prime for elimination as someone opposing Lord Frieza's direct order.

"L-Lord Frieza himself...? How unexpected..." the reptilian alien shook in his boots. "V-Very well then, we shall remove the other medical pods though. I assume they have nothing to do with whatever it was prince Vegeta did and that Lord Frieza still wants them preserved?"

"Yeah... Leave me and Vegeta alone." Cui nodded, his strict look lost some of its edge when he realized that if he just went ahead and started blasting like his first instinct demanded of him–he'd have possibly killed or injured more severely someone treated in the same high importance chamber as the Saiyan prince.

"Excuse me, Cui-san, but this is incredibly out of nowhere..." a roughed up Saiyan soldier approached Cui from behind while the Saiyan and alien alike medical staff worked to remove the two other medical pods while continuing the treatment of the soldiers inside. Once detached from the power supply systems and elevated onto transportation pods, the glowing, murky green liquid flushing inside seemed to lose its luster though it only somewhat neutered the liquid's medicinal properties and merely postponed the regeneration process until they could connect the pod to a power supply.

"Quick, the patients will not receive their flow of oxygen until we connect them again, find a suitable room with some space. We have a dozen minutes at best!" the alien that opposed Cui first ordered the staff around after pulling out the pods, further rushing the already hasty steps of the staff while a few of the Saiyans amongst the staff remained in the medical ward where prince Vegeta was still resting.

"You wouldn't mind if we confirmed this matter with Lord Frieza, would you?" a rather masculine-looking female Saiyan approached Cui as well while a handful more joined the first pair to voice their objections to leaving an elite Frieza Army soldier to just murder their prince in cold blood like that.

"Huh? What makes you think that Lord Frieza has time for small-fry like you?" the right side of Cui's fishy lips tilted a few degrees before the elite soldier grabbed hold of the hand restraining his shoulder that belonged to the massive male Saiyan first voicing his oppositions. With a simple motion, Cui lifted the hand off and away from his shoulder before breaking the man's wrist and pulling him in closer for a headbutt that was as ferocious as it was deadly.

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