Fight It Out

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Lazuli swooped up with a pink energy barrier around her, slowly phasing out. The Artificial Human elevated herself to where Lapis laid stuck inside of a mountain of rock in a crucifix position, looking a tad out of it. Gently, the artificial woman removed her brother from his entrapment and carried him out over on her shoulders. Before a fusillade of deafening thuds made her stiffen her neck and look up.

Shock waves littering the sky with sonic booms and bubbles of bursting air so powerful that the air actually became electrified with meek jolts was the source of the ruckus. After it seemed like the collision couldn't get any louder, Super Saiyan Gohan and newly awakened Artificial Human No. 16 froze in mid-air with their elbows wound back. Time seemed to stop alongside them for a blink, but then they crashed again and the resulting shock wave expanded throughout the entire town, shattering glass panels, crumbling buildings, and wiping the surface of rocky pillars clean.

"Artificial Human No. 16, stop!" Gohan cried out, extending his hand out to pacify the awakened giant. "I'm not my dad and I don't want to fight you!"

"Personality profile missing. Searching for available personality profiles. Proceeding with the secondary default objective subroutine," Artificial Human No. 16 fixed the gauntlet over his wrist before rushing at Gohan again.

The teenage Super Saiyan weaved under the giant's swooping fist and jabbed with the back of his hand into Android 16's gut. Seeing his opponent flinching, Gohan jumped up with a high vertical kick to 16's square jaw that made the Artificial Human cock his head fully back. Spinning around a full 180 degrees while he stiffened his entire body for the strongest roundhouse he had, Gohan cried out from the intense built-up force inside his body. When his roundhouse connected with Android 16, his entire golden aura exploded at once alongside the overwhelming force of the impact that sent Artificial Human No. 16 flying aside.

Enveloped by that flashing aura, Gohan rushed in pursuit of the Artificial Human, throwing hands at both sides of 16's face. The super-powered teenager wondered if he could knock some sense into the rampaging Android. At the moment, just keeping him away from hurting Gohan or any of the other, helpful Artificial Humans would have to do. Gohan drove both his arms down with a double ax handle, sending the Android down like a meteor into a stray rocky pillar that loomed over the abyss leading up to the bubbling magma below.

A pair of detached forearms riding on the fuel of burning rocket jets came in at Gohan, forcing him to evade them mid-air as he swooped down at his opponent with a crushing uppercut into Artificial Human No. 16's gut. This hit made the Android jump up and indented his abdomen for a second while the teenage Super Saiyan glided across the ground and tripped his bulky opponent up while gliding alongside him. "Soaring Dragon Strike!" Gohan yelled out, delivering an undefended straight into 16's gut before unleashing all of his Super Saiyan power at once with an explosive uppercut into the bottom of 16's jaw.

"I don't want to fight you, but I have to hold you off until I figure something out... Kamehameha!" Gohan yelled out, cupping his hands together as he thrust both of them outward and unleashing an azure energy wave enveloping his entire body and beaming out toward the airborne 16. While the initial push made the teenager think he was successful at pushing his opponent away, at some point, the attack must've gotten stuck as the Super Saiyan began feeling an immovable wall resisting his energy wave.

"Kamehameha... Is Son Goku's technique... I am a machine with the secondary objective of destroying Son Goku..." Artificial Human No. 16 spoke as he slowly pushed through the Kamehameha wave. No matter how many more bursts of energy Gohan put into the attack, the advancing giant kept on pushing through. 16's hands burst through the wave before both of his entire arms emerged from the azure flash and grabbed Gohan into a bear hug, pressing him tightly against the adamantine body of his assailant.

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