Mighty Turles VS Super Piccolo

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Turles boiled in wrath, streaks of blood ran down his cracked forehead and his hair had gone significantly messier than the usual Goku-like hairdo that he carried it around it. It didn't take a master psychologist to understand that he did not expect to be roughed up by this by weaklings dozens of times his power level. As veins continued to signify the vengeful strain of the entirety of his body muscles, the Saiyan space pirate kept on reflecting why beings as weak as that were able to give him this much trouble.

The Saiyan's glare sharpened only upon the emergence of Piccolo. The Super Namekian had a different look to him, he was calmer and more confident in his ability. Instead of the view of absolute dread and panic that he had reserved for Turles after the space pirate ate the Fruit of the Divinity Tree, now there was only a demeaning scowl as if Turles was a mere nuisance. A bug for his to squash, a formality.

"I've been wondering how come you lot managed to cause me this much trouble. It must be because of the planet you've come from, right? Once I kill you in the most dreadful way I can imagine and step over your dead bodies, the expressions of absolute horror still frozen on your cold faces, I'll see what planet of nasty tricksters you've come from and visit it with another seed of the Divinity Tree," Turles declared, still looking at Piccolo as if he was the same Namekian that he had left behind.

"Is that so?" Piccolo asked with silent rage brimming in a tone of bitterness.

"That's right, I bet you didn't know that, did you? This Divinity Tree is a gift that keeps on giving, producing a new seed with each time it blooms. Handfuls of them in every fruit it produces. And it keeps on producing. Maybe I'll eat a few more before stomping that Saiyan's head into the dirt, just to make her feel that more hopeless!" Turles looked at his bloodied hands with a crazed expression. He had been pushed farther by these mere insects than he could have ever expected to be pushed. His power level was approaching that of Frieza's himself and here there were, a bunch of unlikely visitors causing him trouble.

"That's good to know," Piccolo clenched his fist, rubbing his wrist with the other hand to ease the tension of his newfound awe-inspiring power. Without his scouter, his opponent was utterly clueless about how outmatched he was here. After becoming one with Nail, the created Super Namekian had been almost ten times stronger than either one of them. Had Demon King Piccolo fused with Kami this way, he'd have been capable of taking over the Earth without much problem. "I'll make sure to obliterate every last atom of that bothersome weed then."

A peal of laughter that drowned out the resonating thunder filled the crevasse where the two warriors met. Turles seemed to be thoroughly entertained by Piccolo's declaration, he had every reason to be with him believing Nail to be dead, Chayote having fled in fear and cowering for her own life, and Piccolo offering himself in a sacrificial last stand against an opponent he had no hopes of beating.

"You!?" Turles yelled out with a maniacal tone. "You're living a life loaned by me and it's about time that you pay that debt up tenfold!"

Turles vanished in a snap, he appeared at the same time as his right hand socked Piccolo in the jaw, throwing his head to the side though, judging from the widening of the Saiyan's eyes, he instantly realized that something was wrong. He continued with a barrage of punches and kicks, before kneeing Piccolo into the air and vanishing after him. Turles threw a wicked double ax handle slam to send Piccolo disappearing into the black void where the entirety of the dying Planet Namek was disappearing to before extending his hand out.

A rapid energy blast barrage of purple Ki blasts caused a widespread riot, lighting the area up and ravaging it further as the dried out dirt of the planet offered no resistance to any following up devastation. For all intents and purposes, Planet Namek was already just a corpse. A husk best to be left behind as all of its vitality flowed within the Divinity Tree and Turles had tasted a fruit born of that very same planetary energy. And, judging by his sadistic smirk, he was feeling the high of it.

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