Order 737

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A line of aliens rushed out through the lowered platform from Frieza's saucer-shaped spaceship. Their feet put on a coordinated military beat and they lined out and around the platform to make way for the almighty space overlord and his two top henchmen. Although a quartet of charismatic alien warriors stood before them, having landed almost at the same time as the space tyrant, the soldiers kept their serious glares at the back of their departing master.

"Lord Frieza!" the quartet of the Ginyu Special Squadron chanted out in perfect sync as the elite fighting force greeted their descending ruler.

The bunch shuffled in between one another, as a short and plump alien with mint-colored skin and four eyes, two small ones found where those of an ordinary human would have been and two much larger, located at the opposing sides of the alien's head rolled under the spread legs of his much larger ally. The mint-skinned shorty stood on one foot as he bent his right one over his left, standing leg and bent his right arm over his plump abdomen while he put up his left in the air and turned with left side to the front. "Guldo!" he shouted out.

An orange-skinned humanoid alien with thick and fuzzy white hair sprung backward vaulting around the frozen formation of his comrades as he mirrored Guldo's pose except performed it in reverse in terms of the sides of his body that he pronounced and the side of the formation. "Jeice!" the orange-skinned alien shouted out.

"Recoome!" shouted a living tower of a man of incredibly broad shoulders and well-defined musculature and a square, almost hick-like looking jaw turned his backside and leaned to the front, pressing his burly arms beside himself like a fleshy tutu as he captured a highly sensitive expression with his face.

"Burter!" the tallest member of the Ginyu Special Squadron with blue skin, red irises and no pupils and a spotted skin texture and a cracked open head that proudly displayed a yellow core underneath the layer of flesh covering his face hissed out for this limber colossus didn't possess a nose to breathe or filter air through.

"Together we are the Ginyu Special Squadron, ready to take orders!" the squad posed together, having changed their original pose to have more gravitas and integrity and cover up the obvious missing space in the center. The squad had several years of practice to accomplish the task and judging by their proud stares aimed right toward the evening sky of Planet Vegeta–they've accomplished their goal.

"I thought you've already informed the Ginyu Special Squadron about their mission here?" Frieza turned his head to Zarbon's side with a light blush on his cheeks that was elementary to make out over the pale skin of the center area of the tyrant's face.

"I did, but you know the Ginyu Special Squadron, they'll never skip a chance to pose." Zarbon defensively shook his hands out in front of him. Knowing the short fuse of his master, the last thing he had in mind for that evening was to get obliterated over some silly, pose-related misunderstanding.

"That's right!" Jeice rubbed his chin with a proud expression. "We've worked long and hard to make it work when Captain Ginyu left the active roster for the super-special, secret mission you gave him. I don't believe that you've had the chance to see our newest combined pose after Bonyu left the Special Squadron, have you, Lord Frieza?"

"I see, I don't believe I have..." Frieza shook his head with his black lips waving like on a night after a bad seafood dinner. "Although it might be for the better that all of you gathered in one place. This operation shall be massive, so I want there to be no confusion about your mission here. Soon enough the Saiyan welcoming party will arrive and you shall eliminate all of them. Then, you shall spread throughout the planet and eliminate all Saiyans one by one."

"You know me, Lord Frieza, I'm never one backing out of a fight but... Should we be talking in the open like this? The Saiyans here might listen in on their scouters..." Dodoria cracked his knuckles, looking excited about the mass slaughter that he was about to take part in.

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