The One Where Krillin Tanks A Supernova

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Krillin charged in a circular dash around the control panel in the center of the ship that controlled the various artificial settings within the ship, including the gravitational pull, colliding with Yamcha's raised elbow. The eyes of the bald martial artist wandered off to the screen of the main computer on the control panel that listed "300".

This momentary distraction had been Krillin's undoing for Yamcha stepped in and well within Krillin's close-range with a step-in backhand strike before flipping on his front and shooting backward stomping feet thrusts at Krillin who recovered from the skipped strike and leaned down under, throwing a well wound-up kick which forced Yamcha back on his feet.

Because Yamcha didn't return to proper balance on his own, he wobbled as the hefty pressure of the gravity chamber continued to weigh him down. Krillin dashed in with a roundhouse kick. Yamcha grunted, accepting the kick but offering his raised, cross-shaped arms for a block to it. The scarred fighter slid back, despite the gravitational pull that was so intense it hummed and rattled the spaceship. Weak flares of transparent red aura shined from Krillin, alongside jets of white trails of lingering smoke.

The two fighters charged at one another, exchanging blows repeatedly as their flurries connected and answered each other's calling perfectly. Yamcha's King Kai's Fist x 50 exploded all at once. He rolled in mid-air and swiped his palm with fingers curved inward down upon connecting with Krillin. Seeing his swipe leave a gash on Krillin's face and flinching his opponent, Yamcha transitioned into a roundhouse before turning around and dropkicking Krillin to slam into the back of the spaceship wall.

Krillin didn't take nearly as much damage from this attack as Yamcha had hoped. In fact, his feet landed firmly on the wall and the martial artist corrected his trajectory with an elegant bounce down on the ground, at which point he entered a fighting stance again. The bald martial artist intensified his combination of Cool-White and King Kai's Fist to rush toward his sparring partner.

Demonstrating his flawless transition from motion to attacking, Krillin jabbed so fast that Yamcha couldn't even see it. The jab left an indentation in Yamcha's jaw. It also flinched the Earthling warrior and made him stumble back a few steps before Krillin continued with a stiff high kick and then turned his entire body around to deliver a devastating double ax handle slam that grounded Yamcha. Though, much like his partner, the martial artist rolled back on the floor and elegantly returned on both feet, signaling his partner for a time-out.

"Your fighting style has changed a lot, Krillin," Yamcha observed while Krillin skipped to the gravity control panel impatiently to return to normal gravity.

"Has it? Because I see little difference in yours. Besides the vast increase in strength and speed, of course..." Krillin rubbed the back of his head, humbled by his partner's observation while complimenting him at the same time.

"That's right. I recall Tenshinhan using the combo of King Kai's Fist and Cool-White. I think it was interesting how all of us took King Kai's Fist in vastly different directions. Where I focused on amping up the rank of my King Kai's Fist, you combined it with Hot-Red for a very similar, over-the-top power-up. Meanwhile, Tenshinhan combined his with Cool-White to counteract the adverse effects of the technique so that he could use King Kai's Fist without exhausting himself and damaging his body." Yamcha explained while fetching himself a towel. Krillin collapsed on the ground, reflecting on what his friend had just told him, as he hadn't noticed it before. He just fought how it felt natural to him.

"Yeah, I guess... But it's not like we can't adapt and borrow from each other's experiences, right? I mean, we borrow techniques all the time. Picking up the techniques of others and using them in different ways or elevating them a step beyond is what makes martial arts so unique–we're all working to improve martial arts together," Krillin pointed out. Yamcha sighed and moved to the fridge to sip on some refrigerated soda to cool his head off a bit.

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