A Kangaroo Wedding

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"Hmm..." Chayote looked up at the shrouded evening sky. She took in a sensation that she long hadn't felt–a whiff of a Ki signature. It was a familiar pair too. Trunks slowly strutted out from the temple and stood by Chayote's side. Their shoulders almost brushed against each other.

"It's Krillin and Yamcha, isn't it?" Trunks said while the two stared at the sky, scaring the bustling crowd of human refugees that had set up camp all over the God Temple ground to avoid conversion. "They've grown powerful in space. I wish I had thought of heading out to space back in my timeline. Maybe I'd have been strong enough to stand against 21's armies."

"You can't stand against everyone. Even the two of us fought and got this far as a team," Chayote sighed and turned back. What they've created for these people fleeing the cybernetic conversion wasn't quite the paradise she knows the Earth as, but it was a living. Soon enough, they'd reclaim their world and Chayote would do everything she can to welcome those people back to their homes just like they've welcomed her. Even if Chayote wasn't particularly looking for a welcome and wanted to get out as soon as possible back when.

The moment that Chayote turned her eyes back, a dome of violet mystic energy lit up. A violent thud resonated through the God Temple, rustling everyone's hair and throwing vendors and tents around as Krillin and Yamcha's spaceship turned to a robust fireball and began skidding across the mystical dome in a round trajectory to crash down in the Sacred Land of Korin below.

"Shit, I forgot about Upa's mystical protection," Chayote rolled her eyes and vanished. The Saiyan appeared by the side of the energy dome and in direct opposition to the skidding spacecraft. It took little oomph from Chayote's shoulders to stop the skidding spaceship, so it startled the Saiyan woman to hear the whizz of Trunks' hyper fast movement that alerted her that the traveler from the future had blitzed in to assist her. "It's just a spaceship, I can handle it." Chayote said.

"Doesn't mean you have to do it alone," Trunks replied with a sprinkle of sass in his tone. A reflection of Chayote's earlier sentiment as the two peeled the spaceship's door wide open. Krillin and Yamcha had already been waiting at the other end with freaked out expressions. They looked as if they were attacked before landing. That must have been exactly what they thought, since they looked ready to rumble. The spacesuits were off and Krillin sported the Turtle School gi, whereas Yamcha donned something resembling a baseball team uniform.

"Sorry, you guys. Your spacecraft can't get through to the God Temple. Upa toughened up the protections so that no Artificial Humans can get through. Even Trunks has to wear a trinket in his sword hilt just to get through," Chayote bent her head to the side in a cutesy way. It was her way of apologizing to the crew for the bumpy landing.

"Let's not hassle Bora-san with more space trash. He has enough cyborg soldiers, drones and other aircraft to deal with," future Trunks signaled for Yamcha and Krillin to jump out while he held the spaceship suspended in the air. With Krillin and Yamcha out, Trunks wondered for a second about where he could put it.

"You know, we really could've used a heads up about that!" Krillin pressed his knuckles to his waist before breaking into a playful cackle as he hugged Chayote after a long time not having seen her. Yamcha looked paled out. At this moment, he'd have rather laid siege on Dr. Puri's stronghold alone rather than come closer to Chayote. Whether he still considered her a violent and ill-tempered Saiyan from the harsh times and beat downs he took during their training or because he still felt awkwardness from their failed date some years ago.

"Sorry, we didn't know you would come back. As we've said, our technological capacity currently is quite limited because of the powerful new wards Upa put together," Chayote pointed out.

"She forgot. She stared at you guys for a handful of minutes before you crashed..." future Trunks observed with a calm expression before swooping down with the wreckage to offer Bora's tribe of native Sacred Land of Korin protectors another mechanical dome. It may have been a tad ironic but the scrap from all the destroyed tanks, robots, cyborgs and all other mechanical machines of warfare Android 21 sent here provided the tribe of Sacred Land of Korin with weaponry, housing and just about every convenience they needed to advance themselves to being a worthy asset to the humanity's rebellion against the conversion.

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