A Warrior Of Dreams, Legends, And Hope

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A rumbling bubble of green energy lifted off the ground, irradiating with intense beams from something far more powerful that was brimming within. As more and more layers of Ki added on top of the growing bubble of energy, the roar that emanated from within, driven by rage and madness, got a more guttural, otherworldly vibe to it. Once it seemed as if the sphere had reached its peak power, it burst with a blinding flasher of seafoam-green.

Frieza grunted as he covered his eyes up and braced for the destructive explosion of the devastating Ki wave to reach him. But it didn't, and the violent flashing never truly blew him away. Once the tyrant lowered his right hand off of his face, shaking and wondering about this wild eruption of energy, the deadly silence that had reigned in after the expanse of Chayote's destructive bubble of Ki revealed itself to be a deceitful one as the rage-twisted face of the bulked-up Saiyan woman drove fear into Frieza's eyes. Chayote had flashed right up Frieza's face without fear or reason.

Just as the emperor of the universe was about to voice a mean threat or gloat in his frightening power, Chayote bashed her shoulder into Frieza's gut, knocking a mouthful of slobber out of Frieza as the tyrant gasped for air as she dived, carrying and smashing Frieza into the hardened wasteland surface, dragging him across it and splitting the charred surface open to bleed with magma. With a wrathful roar, the Saiyan turned around and flung Frieza by his head, charging after him.

"You insufferable, hysterical monkey! I'll eradicate you at once!" Frieza finally worded his threat as he turned down to where Chayote charged at him from, extending his hand to grab hold of her with his psychic powers. Chayote froze in mid-air. Her eyes changed from anger to fright as her mouth gasped for air rather than roar bloody murder. However, as Frieza clutched his hand, only a translucent mirage of the wrathful Saiyan dispersed.

With a triumphant roar, Chayote planted her knee, diving from up over Frieza's head and knocking him flying down. Stones the size of entire boulders flew aside and spiky, towering pillars of a charred ground burst forth with geysers of molten red burst from underground as Frieza smashed into the ground and left a deep crater. One that only deepened and ground further into the depths as Chayote bellowed and stomped down like a T-shaped arrow. As invincible as Frieza seemed a moment ago, the tyrant shrieked out in shock after such a brutal assault.

"Chayote is incredible!" Chiaotzu pumped his fists, finding a second to power down with King Kai's Fist so that it didn't drain him of the rest of his stamina and undo his body. "She's actually laying hands on Frieza..."

"Yeah, but she's not doing much damage to him, no matter how vicious her beat-down is. Her power's growing higher and higher, but it'll still take far too long for their Ki to level with each other. Frieza's a novice fighter, which is why he's not able to deal with Chayote's berserk attacks, but she's not scratching much deeper than his skin and just damaging his pride. Still... Chayote's a regular monster, she's buying us so much time... Come on, Spirit Bomb, hurry up!" Goku clenched his teeth, looking up at the accumulating mass of energy of well-being accumulating at once place from all over the universe. The vast expanses of Frieza's territories, everyone that wanted to get rid of their pale tyrant, even those whom Frieza's conquering ways haven't reached yet but would reach them soon found their salvation in a lone Saiyan accumulating their hopes and best wishes from out in the cosmos.

"I'll kill you, I swear I'll kill you!" Frieza shrieked out as destructive fuchsia-colored rays beamed out in all directions, but Chayote had shuffled away from all harm. As the frightening despot took back to his feet, firing a barrage of Death Beams in all directions, Chayote took flight and dashed over Frieza's head, evading his barrage of Death Beams while wrapping her muscular thighs over Frieza's throat and flipping the tyrant over her to slam him head-first into the ground as Chayote rolled on top of him and began pummeling the ground with hammering smashes.

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