King VS Emperor

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"King Vegeta, as I live and breathe." Cooler said with an apathetic expression, staring the short man in front of him down as if he was figuring out the best angle to stab at his heart from. "The reports from Planet Vegeta told of your demise, as well as that of the Saiyans. Done in by my ambitious little brother, something for which a Super Saiyan from Planet Earth punished him."

"Death is just a different field of training to the Saiyan elite." Vegeta wiped his nose, proud to baffle Frieza's brother and prove his sources incorrect. "And training only makes us Saiyans wildly stronger."

"We'll see..." Cooler stated with a cold facade.

The cocky warrior let out a proud battle cry as he charged forward with his fist drawn back. Cooler closed his eyes as if in total disappointment, just as Vegeta was about to crash into him. However, instead of the two colliding, Vegeta vanished with only his afterimage splitting in half as it charged past Cooler. Floating over the fighting area, Vegeta bombarded Cooler with Ki blasts from up above with a rapid-fire Ki blast barrage. Cooler's tail carelessly swiped about, deflecting each Ki blast with little care as to where they would fly off to.

The stray Ki blasts devastated the remnants of the local city, reducing it to rubble as each Ki blast burst forth with a golden dome of energy. The rampant destruction shook the ground, making withdrawal impossible. Entire buildings crumbled from the shock to the planetoid-sized asteroid alone while when a stray blast collided with a building it left the structure in ashes, evaporating any semblance of organization away in a flash.

Splitting the clouds of dust of his own making, Vegeta dive-bombed his opponent with a kick, but it only penetrated dust and thin air as Cooler was no longer where the king of all Saiyans had left him. Vegeta threw his head around in search of his opponent out of sheer instinct before relying on his Ki sensory. Vegeta vaulted and glided through the vast distance between him and Cooler in a speedy blitz, but his gliding knees only collided with Cooler's tail.

Thunderous thuds erupted when Vegeta threw a volley of punches over the blocking tail to go for Cooler's face but the crafty tyrant danced around his opponent with his arms crossed over his chest, Cooler's red eyes raced across the whites, quick to identify the immediate threat and relay the signal to avoid damage to his brain accordingly. Vegeta's attacks grew faster and stronger yet more powerful and less pre-planned, yet Cooler ducked, dashed, and weaved to the back, to the front, and aside without too much trouble.

Without warning, the king of Saiyans transitioned his relentless offensive into a barrage of Ki blasts that were meant to decimate Cooler from within a hand's reach, making it problematic to dodge this attack. Cooler's eyes widened in surprise as he covered overhead, stonewalling the crushing barrage of energy balls as he winced in pain and growled in frustration. Vegeta raised his hands over his head, completing a single, larger and blazing Ki blast before vaulting it down at Cooler. The tyrant flicked it away with a displeased scowl on his face. Vegeta dashed off to avoid his own blast returning to him as the Ki ball took off into space and decimated an uninhabited nearby planet, leaving it a speck of irradiated space dust in a fiery nova.

"It was arrogant of you to come here, Vegeta. I know you to be an arrogant fool but this is on a scale of foolishness far beyond you." Cooler mocked his opponent, dusting off his shoulder pads before glinting back up at the king of Saiyans, who could only scowl at his lack of success in finding a flaw in Cooler's defenses. "Have my subordinates tired you? If that is the case, you never stood a chance, to begin with."

"Don't get cocky with me, Cooler!" Vegeta bellowed, throwing out his fist and shaking it as a warning. "Your crew barely served as a warm-up!"

"Careful now, Saiyan king," Cooler closed his eyes and breathed out a gulp of air. "I am not like my brother, you know..."

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