One, Big Family Reunion

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"I can't believe that we didn't take the car," Chi-Chi sighed while the Kinto cloud split the lemon clouds surrounding the Snake Way into two. Goku and Gohan both looked overjoyed to be riding the cloud up until the point that Chi-Chi spoke up.

"But you know that I can't drive that thing, Chi-Chi," Goku replied with the childish glee fading away from his face to be substituted by the confusion of having no idea why his wife was sounding so disappointed in him.

"But real families go on trips with their cars, Goku-sa. I know that we're not exactly a normal family but we should at least try behaving like one from time to time!" Chi-Chi chided at Goku with her finger which caused the confused Saiyan to scratch his own cheek since he still wasn't sure what exactly got Chi-Chi so mad.

"I'm glad that we didn't take the car," little Gohan raised his index finger in a somewhat reserved proclamation. "I'm glad we're leaving, mom really embarrassed us nearly pummeling King Kai for his own car."

"Hmph..." Chi-Chi pouted her lips and turned her nose up.

"Aww, cheer up, Chi-Chi. The Kinto is faster anyway. Also, I hear you, Gohan," Goku took a deep breath in. "Training's been a whole lot harder since I've come back to life and all but it feels like we've all gotten a whole lot stronger too! I can't wait to see just how much stronger!"

"That reminds me, Gohan-chan, that technique that King Kai taught you, you cannot use it until you grow much older," Chi-Chi spoke up again.

"Hmm? The King Kai Fist?" Gohan wondered. "But I've used it already to show it to father."

"I think your mother might be right, Gohan," Goku nodded, giving Gohan a softer look. "That technique's pretty advanced and painful. It damages your body the more you use it. You should probably learn more about your limits before you can use it safely. Only use it if there's no other way. If you absolutely must use it."

"Sometimes I wonder if Gohan-chan isn't a more mature user for that technique, honestly..." Chi-Chi sighed. "I'm not sure if I should have had that talk with Gohan-chan or you, Goku-sa. You constantly push yourself too hard too."

"Hmm..." Goku's gaze fixed on ahead onto a castle far off into the distance. It was a traditional style building standing atop a platform of marble built up right by the Snake Way. "That's odd, I don't remember that building being there when I went to King Kai's, do you guys?"

"How can we remember this route when you teleported us to King Kai's planet by force!?" Chi-Chi growled at her husband, reprimanding him for having forgotten yanking them out of their day to day life only to bring them onto the King Kai's planet so that Gohan could pass King Kai's test and receive his training only to pass the techniques he learned down onto his father.

"Oh, right, right..." Goku chuckled. "Anyway, we should check that place out. I'm starving, maybe it has some food?"

"Whoa, it's a regular mansion!" Chi-Chi slapped herself on both cheeks just to see if she'd wake up. "I've never seen anything like that! It must have like forty rooms!"

As the Kinto hurled toward the platform keeping the mansion afloat just over Hell itself, little Gohan's stomach roared again as the child hadn't eaten anything since leaving King Kai's planet and it wasn't like the food there was anything special or if he had the chance to fully stuff his half-Saiyan stomach with his father training on the same planet.

"Yo!" Goku yelled out after the family landed and entered the castle through the main entrance, figuring that they'd end up butting into either the owner of the mansion or its receptionists. Nothing of the sort seemed to be the case. "That's weird, nobody's guarding this huge castle..."

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