Saiyan Naval Battles

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Golden gleams scattered throughout the surface of the Red Sea. Upon detonation, they created thunderous blasts that forced the ocean to foam and surge in violent whirlpools. Cybernetic coiling serpents carrying portable missile bases emerged, as well as tank-like stations with these same leviathans flapping and whipping about like robotic tentacles, dyeing the sky fiery red and letting the smoke from their rampaging missile onslaughts choke the sky out.

The Saiyans charged on with relentless, manic expressions of enjoyment. Thrashing, charging clean through, and even diving straight into the mouths of these cybernetic monstrosities with Ki blasts in hand to blast their way out. They spared no fearsome mechanical leviathan of the Saiyans' fury. A handful of Saiyans fell unmoving into the water upon concentrated plasma blasts from the tips of the cannons inside the mouths of each leviathan base crashing into them. This only inspired more vengeful wrath in the hearts of their comrades, however.

"My, my... These Saiyans are such spirited folks... Who would've thought that we'd see Saiyans fighting alongside the locals to protect the Earth? These truly are interesting times..." Muten Roshi coughed into his fist while floating in his jet above a central area of interest to him. Because of the chaos down below, no leviathan cared to lock in on the signal of a singular jet carrying just a feeble old man.

The old martial arts master stepped onto the jet's wing wearing a diving bodysuit and stretched out a bit, practicing diving and swimming motions with senile fragility and sluggishness. He had replaced his usual pair of shades with a pair of swimming goggles. After feeling up his back, Muten Roshi kicked off of the wing of the jet and plunged into the ocean. It only took a few good scoops for the old man to plunge all the way to the ocean's bottom. For someone who acted old and puny, Muten Roshi swam at a blinding speed even to the local underwater speedsters.

Thinking himself clever, Muten Roshi swam up to the roof of the glowing hive that was the underwater Muscle Tower base. A jolt ran down the old man's body, stunning him in place and throwing him off of his target. It was only then that the martial arts saw the cybernetic soldiers in full diving suit gear and rods that emitted crackling electric constructs upon release and surged with electric charge swarming up to protect their little hive.

"I guess you won't let me enter, huh?" Muten Roshi squeaked out, hearing his speech translated into a vocal cybernetic hum by Capsule Corps technology. All this effort to be audible underwater didn't seem to be of any use as none of his assailants replied anything to him. A buzzing submarine jet whizzed right past the old martial arts master. By the time that Muten Roshi saw the bacteria-shaped leftover drowning past him, it was too late.

A resonant bubble expanded, containing within a fiery blaze and spreading a shock wave all throughout the surrounding ocean depths. The downpour of underwater mines sent Roshi rolling and tumbling off course. He wasn't used to fighting underwater even if his enemies didn't seem to be much of a threat to him physically. What was even more irritating, these small folks looked to be much more skilled than Muten Roshi at this style of engagement as they formed a complex geometric figure around him and all pointed their electric rods at him, creating a thunderous net that electrified the entire underwater area, leaving only their insulated suits and the Muscle Tower spared of the brutal combination attack.

"You guys are becoming a real nuisance..." Muten Roshi panted out after the surge ceased, putting his hands together and drawing them back. The visible increase in his body bulk tested the integrity of his diving suit, though the old man felt it questionable just how much did he truly need it. "It's time you've seen the Original Kamehameha!"

The howling beam of the Kamehameha wave made its way splitting the oceanic depths apart, it crashed clean through an airborne Kraken base and severed a handful of leviathans it thrashed about with and then beamed off into the sky where it detonated in a nova-like gleam of cosmic cinders. Those that only saw violence and destruction in martial arts wouldn't have appreciated the ease, the flow of polished motion, and the unmatched hundreds of years of efficiency in the Original Kamehameha, but Muten Roshi only strived to impress and surpass himself.

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