A Paradise In Jeopardy

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"What's all this about, Dr. Puri? You seemed to be so glad and proud to distance yourself away from Capsule Corps and establish your own company and surround you with your own people. Of all people, I've expected this the least from." Bulma said. The woman gave her past assistant an unsure look, one that appealed to the friendship they once shared, though one that expected Dr. Puri to just brush it off as if it had never existed.

"You aren't exactly wrong, Bulma." Dr. Puri lowered her head. This admission did indeed weigh on the woman. "I had achieved my goals, played around with your toys and leeched off of your influence and connections long enough so I had to break free and never look back. I would have never reached out to you had it not been for the desperate need to save the world, something that neither of us can do separately, only together."

"Save the world? What do you mean by that?" Bulma asked with widened eyes. Her red lips formed a subtle O shape.

"I'll let my associate explain. Lazuli is the head of our medical sciences team. She's made a chilling discovery recently, one that I immediately checked up on and confirmed." Dr. Puri turned to her left side and the young woman in a bubblegum-colored pantsuit, who ran her hand nonchalantly through her silver hair.

"People are about to get socked with a blow that they may not recover from. A wicked sickness is brewing and about to cut loose. A heart virus that infects and kills people in mere days of excruciating torment. Once a person is infected, there is nothing left but to see them wither and die." Lazuli explained without as much as a move of her lips in either direction or signs of life in her eyes that would have suggested any particular feelings that the young woman may have had about the sickness.

"Heart virus? What type? Adenovirus, Rubella?" Bulma said, taken aback. She had never even imagined an outbreak of a heart virus of all things on a scale, as the one suggested. Heart viruses had always had a place in medicine and had been plaguing humanity for as long as it walked the Earth, but there hasn't ever been a chilling pandemic of a heart virus. Their transmissibility had always been lacking compared to the more reaping viral outbreaks.

"Nothing like what we've encountered in human history before. I suspect that our contact with alien species has put both us and our foreign guests in jeopardy as we've bred new types of viruses and bacteria that neither one of us can deal with." Dr. Puri pointed out. "Saiyans have an incredible resistance to diseases, poisons and infections, an evolutionary advantage triggered by their gung-ho, brawl-loving nature. We haven't been able to procure a Saiyan heart to test our theories out but... The virus would reap through even such a fortified immune system, we believe."

"Someone with a bitchin' immunity system would for sure last longer, but it won't make a difference in the end. They'll kick the bucket just like everyone else..." Lazuli ruffled her hair, jingling her pearly earrings and playing with the gleaming gemstones with her index softly. "The virus is already out there. It'll only pick up in spread. Unless we do something soon, we're basically screwed."

"Our drones had picked up traces of the virus originating in the eastern regions. That's where both waves of the Saiyan invasion were the densest. That's also where a Saiyan named Son Goku grew up, isn't that right?" Lapis, the other assistant of Dr. Puri's spoke up.

"Son-kun grew up in Mt. Paozu. He's wandered all over the world but most of the time he's always made his way back either there or the Kame Island in the East Sea." Bulma pondered to herself. The news of this virus had hit her. Chayote turned her attention to Bulma, wondering just how was she supposed to take this. Here was a new type of threat placed in front of her, one that nobody knew how to deal with, one that couldn't have been just punched or blasted away like the rest of the problems in their lives.

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