Home is Where the Heart Is

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Piccolo's kicks sent Chayote on the defensive. The Saiyan raised her arms to block the long and stiff strikes as the Namekian's anatomy allowed him to deliver kicks from a much farther distance than Chayote was used to. Pain resonated throughout her body as Piccolo's kick thrust into the center of Chayote's chest and sent the Saiyan soaring backward through pale, empty space.

An electric crackle signified the electric paralysis technique unleashed from Piccolo's antennae. Chayote screamed out in pain as every ounce of her sensory became overtaken with overwhelming electric impulses. The resonance and flaring up, golden aura around her blinded her eyes while the Saiyan's muscles contracted wildly. Piccolo's elongated arm reached in and pulled Chayote by her thick hair, driving his knee into her face while he transitioned from an electric stun into a more physical, flinching sensation.

Again came the relentless barrage of kicks, Piccolo noted the difference between the heights of the two and he was utilizing his long legs that surpassed any limb of Chayote's. The Saiyan was just barely faster than Piccolo but somehow Piccolo was demonstrating greater skill at martial arts despite barely being seven years old. Then again, he did spend an unclear amount of time training himself up in the Room of Spirit and Time so perhaps he was more experienced than Chayote gave him credit for.

Piccolo jumped up as his rising knee strike launched Chayote into the air. The Namekian looked vexed at the fact that despite a fruitful beatdown he failed to draw a drop of blood off of her. His approach was careful, aware of Chayote's unruly power compared to his own, Piccolo stayed on his back foot at all times, he did not pursue her into the air mindlessly, just vanished, appeared for a lash of his elongated arm or a swipe of his wild claws and then vanished back down again.

"Get gone!" Piccolo hissed as he gripped his right wrist with his left hand. Pushing through fatigue and battle tension, the Namekian released a head-sized bullet built out of stormy Ki that blew up in Chayote's face as she landed. The reincarnation of the Demon King cracked his neck a pair of times before entertaining his knuckles and breaking his fighting stance.

Chayote opened her eyes and stood up. Piccolo turned to her but remained in a cross-legged sitting position. The green-skinned martial artist looked grumpy after the pair's latest session of image training. His disgruntled face said as much, then again, Piccolo was often grumpy. It was his default state, if the wannabe demon ever smiled, that was when Chayote would have felt worried.

"It was like fighting with a punching bag!" he hissed.

"You're an impressive fighter. Our strength and speed aren't equal but I've got much to learn from you," Chayote admitted, scratching the back of her head lazily as she yawned. While the Saiyan understood the importance of using image training to keep herself polished in outer space, she couldn't help but get sleepy during it, no matter what the time she did it in was.

"How about you teach me something too next time?" he closed his eyes and let out a bitter breath from his chest, blowing it out through his nose.

"I think we might have gone through all of our times..." Chayote elevated herself via levitation to the pine-colored porthole and observed a gorgeous, green planet shrouded by white, fluffy clouds and surrounded by dark shade around its edges. Likely a decoration due to a feature of the system that the planet resided in. "Planet Namek was meant to be on the other side of the universe from Earth, that spaceship that Kami came in was amazing!"

"It wasn't Kami who came with the spaceship!" Piccolo scolded Chayote. "It was the Namekian that was both Piccolo and Kami alike."

"Yeah, good luck getting me to say that every time..." Chayote rolled her eyes. She did feel a hint of gratitude to Piccolo Jr. for helping her out during the most abhorrent period of her life when it felt like Chayote had lost all control and as if her free will would be violated into nothingness which was why she not only approved of Piccolo's decision to travel to Planet Namek but also accompanied him there herself though at times the Namekian's company was irksome.

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