A Sluggish Affair

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A tall and muscular humanoid of orange skin and spiky, brown hair that very nearly reached the back of his knees walked into the room, halting briefly so that the round, bone-texture door could open and let him in. The burly alien approached the lone, bored figure seated on a throne of bones supporting his heavy head with an all-covering helmet on one of his fists as he stared on to a blank point in space.

"Lord Slug, we've tracked the planet where the Saiyan landed. It's on an advanced, faraway planet on the very northern edge of the North Galaxy," the athletic brute reported to the concealed man who appeared intrigued enough to straighten his back and lift his head off of the resting place of his fist.

"Excellent, find a decently occupied city, and send out troops to try and take it over. Let's see what sort of military power this planet has. I want you and the rest of the clan to scout the planet for a sign of Dragon Balls or the Saiyan," a cybernetically modified voice came from Lord Slug's helmet. There was heavy wheezing coming from the seated ruler suggesting that he had difficulty breathing even in the sated artificial conditions of his own spaceship.

"At once, Lord Slug!" Commander Zeeun pressed his feet together and straightened his back before leaving his lord's side. A cyan-skinned humanoid of relatively attractive facial features and antique clothing style and a pair of bony horns decorating his forehead met the burly alien in the hallway.

"We're landing. Lord Slug wants us to send a squad of scouts to try and take a decently sized city, see how much this planet resists. With some luck, we'll draw the female Saiyan out and crush her for what she did to us," Commander Zeeun smirked while addressing his fellow clansman.

"Why on Earth does Lord Slug even want this planet? There's nothing on it that there's not on one of the nearby uninhabited planets or satellites. If it's the Saiyan's torment he wants – one of us would be more than enough. Didn't she lose to Medamatcha?" Angila shrugged with a smug-looking face.

"Your vanity is blinding your judgment. The Saiyan knew all about the Ultimate Dragon Balls, how could she have known what the Dragon Balls are?" Commander Zeeun replied.

"I see... So, Lord Slug believes that this planet might have another set? Interesting..." Angila turned his head toward the porthole to gaze at the cerulean and juniper orb shrouded with clear white layers of clouds from the outside.

"You're in luck then, we get the esteemed task of scouting this planet for any treasured artifacts, its set of the Dragon Balls or the Saiyan," Commander Zeeun smirked, finding the enthusiasm of his fellow space demon rather infectious.

"Let the others know then, Commander Zeeun..." Angila showed his teeth with a malicious grin, emphasizing the honorable title of his fellow-clansman as if it granted him a responsibility that didn't plague Angila himself.

Commander Zeeun let out a mean snarl while his handsome, demonic comrade ran off to scout the planet the moment that Lord Slug's spaceship lands. While the artificial planetoid floated in space within a visible distance from Earth for a while after breaking its space-traveling speed, it began picking up speed for its inevitable descent and invasion.


"Bulma-san!" Dr. Puri burst outside of the Capsule Corp laboratory having worked up quite the sweat and rushed into the indoors garden all worked up, throwing her gaze madly across the heavenly decorum in search for her employer who was resting before a lamp in her bikini and shades while tinkering with some handheld gadget, surrounded by lush green and serene tranquility.

"Huh? Did you scratch a promethium core again? I told you, just stick it inside of the capsule and it'll contain the blast, in theory, anyway..." Bulma raised her shades after Dr. Puri called out to her again.

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