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Piccolo and Lapis vanished at once, expelling rings of dust in their wake as they rushed toward each other and smashed their forearms in the center of the entire distance between them. The two exchanged blows and kicks but answered each other's call flawlessly while using the backlash from their knee strikes to vault away from each other and backflip like two duelists counting up their ten paces.

The Namekian warrior snarled while thrusting his palms rapidly and expelling sparkling Ki blasts with electric properties. Artificial Human No. 17 hunkered down, crossing up his arms to defend against Piccolo's barrage of Ki blasts. The Android vainly expected Piccolo to waste too much power and whittle down the vast difference between them in terms of sheer power and speed.

While 17 grunted and felt the cruel expulsions of Ki socking into his tempered body with a sharp, electric bite and skid across the ground, both fighters knew deep down that Lapis had a good ace with his infinite stamina. One that had the potential to turn the tables, given Piccolo's impaired condition. The question remained if that advantage was weighty enough on its own to let Lapis overcome these odds.

Piccolo wasn't just going to batter his opponent from afar with Ki blasts. The sneaky Namekian extended his left arm and grabbed Android 17's heel, pulling him in and slamming into the ground behind him before dragging the discombobulated warrior back in and punting him in the gut. 17's eyes dulled out and bulged while his mouth spat up an excess of slobber. Piccolo's kick tilted Android 17 off the ground and left him clutching his devastated gut.

With a roundhouse kick, the Ultimate Namekian sent 17 hurling across the mountainous patch of land before once again using his elongated limbs to whip and claw at Lapis from afar. Given Piccolo's long-range method of fighting, there was little that the overwhelmed Artificial Human could do. With what seemed like an average slap of his extended arm, Piccolo secured a grip and, instead of pulling 17 to him, dragged himself across to his enemy with a devastating push kick to Lapis' chest that stomped the Android down into the ground and dug out a crater underneath from the powerful shock wave.

Since the formation of the crater left both warriors in mid-air, Piccolo transitioned into a roundhouse kick before shooting his knee up into 17's face. The Android soared into the skies while Piccolo pursued after him with a stoic expression. The rushing Namekian had to stop in mid-air while Lapis yelled out and expelled an explosive Ki wave out of his entire body just to get some space between the bullying opponent and himself.

The runt was fast. Even with full knowledge and expectation of seeing his limitless stamina in action, Piccolo still couldn't see it coming and read it well enough. At a moment's notice, despite being properly pummeled and pushed into a corner, the bruised Android just vanished immediately after concluding his destructive Ki bubble burst and appeared in front of Piccolo, smashing his elbow into the Namekian's solar plexus.

While Piccolo did his best to stonewall that attack, Lapis didn't waste much time, nor did he spare any blinks to appreciate the fact that Piccolo withstood his attempts at opening him up with only minor damage and barely any flinching. The Artificial Human swooped down with a leg sweep that flipped Piccolo up, rolling in mid-air, and then formed twin Ki spheres in both hands. With his compromised aerial position, there was little Piccolo could do to protect himself and thus Lapis drove both of his Ki balls into Piccolo's chest, sending the Ultimate Namekian flying away with a scorch on his chest while 17 took a breather and wiped the slobber and whatever Dr. Puri substituted the twins' blood with off of his lip.

"This isn't possible..." Android 17 grumbled, looking at his bio-goop-stained hand as it quivered in his blurry sight. "We are Artificial Humans, perfect fighting machines created to be able to kill anyone in existence. Immortal and unrelenting... Nobody should be able to match us, let alone push us to a corner!"

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