Krillin's Last Resort

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Blazing with a crimson King Kai's Fist aura, Yamcha dashed toward Frieza alongside Krillin. The two warriors shuffled with one another, switching poses and going through a myriad of formations to throw the pale terror off his guard as much as possible. Frieza stretched his arms out to the sides and leaned forward. His image became blurry as the tyrant vanished and appeared in between Yamcha and Krillin, looking straight at the bald warrior with psychotic glee.

As Krillin's hands were in position for the Solar Fist, Frieza targeted him first, extending his hand and catching Krillin in an adamant telekinetic hold as he propelled the bald warrior flying away until he could deal with the other troublesome warriors without having to worry about being blinded in a flash of light. There was not enough time to crush the captive, however. It was a fact Frieza regretted somewhat but because he merely flung Krillin away; he turned around just in time to catch Yamcha's palm thrust and lock his grip around the fighter's hand.

Yamcha winced and grunted, Frieza's grip began applying grand pressure on his captured hand that made the martial artist believe that his entire hand could get shattered any second now. Diving, Yamcha swept at Frieza's lower calves, but the tyrant raised his knees up in mid-air as if he'd have hopped up. Frieza's tail lashed over his head to block Yamcha's upper chop with his free hand before the tail locked up on Yamcha's wrist and twisted it. Somehow, Yamcha's left hand broke before his right one. With torment translating in tearful crystals in the corners of his eyes, Yamcha dived forward with a dashing knee strike but Frieza dampened it with his own knee.

Yamcha's knee strike transitioned into a vertical kick to the bottom of Frieza's chin, but the tyrant absorbed the blow entirely and whipped the martial artist away with his tail, preparing to dash after him. Krillin's tunnel vision proved to be a mistake as a pair of rumbling mountains crushed him in between them while the bald martial artist dashed to help his friend from the faraway distance Frieza had flung him to. The space emperor turned around, as a cerulean dot gleamed in his eye, he broke Chiaotzu's attempts at a psychic hold on him before waving his hand up while Frieza's tail spun to protect him from behind and drove into the cheek of charging Yamcha, swatting him away.

A bursting wave of fuchsia pink burst from underground, swallowing Chiaotzu up and spitting him out while Frieza turned his attention back to Yamcha, who just had both his right hand and his left wrist broken and was in the worst possible condition to defend himself. Fighting crushed and battered opponents always provided the most joy to Frieza, so he just couldn't resist enjoying himself some more, even if he'd end up breaking the poor little Earthling in the process and losing another fun toy to play with.

With a blinking dash, Frieza closed in on Yamcha and drove his arm in an uppercut underneath Yamcha's ribcage, driving all semblances of life out of the martial artist and whiting him out for a second with a single strike. Frieza turned to drive the butt of his sole into Yamcha's face before charging onward with an elbow strike to crack the Earthling's neck and a diving air slide to break both his shins and leave him utterly defenseless. Frieza's tail whipped up, propping the broken man up and preparing him for the finishing touches.

With a maniacal cackle, Frieza waved both his hands up and crossed his arms. A booming fuchsia energy pillar exploded from underground carrying a blizzard of boulders controlled with psychic energy within it, each pelting Yamcha relentlessly on their journey up with enough latent pressure to each blow that they popped into insignificant pebbles upon impact. Frieza drove his round and disproportionately big head into Yamcha's gut with a tackling charge before spinning around and whipping the motionless and defenseless martial artist with his tail.

The tyrant crossed his arms up and kicked his feet out in a mocking, Cossack-like dance as he trampled Yamcha back to the ground one kick at a time and stomped on his head while tilting his foot off of the finished martial artist only when he felt the warm and revolting feeling of dampness underneath his foot. The space sovereign extended his hand and fired a fuchsia Ki blast which swallowed Yamcha up whole and disappeared underground, bursting forth outward from everywhere at once in the shape of booming pillars of light before it drowned the entire battlefield in shimmering pink and when it settled–Yamcha was no more.

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