Yajirobe - Vampire Hunter

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The loud rumbling of a hovercar came far ahead of the massive dust cloud that followed it. Despite being a rare sight in these gloomy mountains, not a single pair of eyes came to take a gander at it. Not that it particularly worried the driver of the hovercar, who pressed his entire body weight on to the wheel with a face grumpy and scowling as if a calling toward the lavatory facilities would not have given the man the luxury of any thoughts other than itself.

Yajirobe pressed on the brakes, which caused the back of his hovercar to lift and nearly bend the vehicle in its attempt to stop before the fountain in the middle of the village. The lone, grumpy swordsman hopped off of his hovercar and looked around. He had no idea where any of the other Dragon Balls might have been in, though that wasn't his eventual destination–it was Muten Roshi's jet, the electronic signature of which he had registered on his hover car's radar.

"Where da heck even am I right now?" Yajirobe scratched his head while looking around. There was not a single soul out in the open for him to ask anything of, which struck him as odd. Usually, villagers were all over new arrivals. If they didn't like outsiders–they let the outsiders know of that immediately and if they welcomed their purchasing power, they let the outsider know of it also though in vastly different ways.

The chubby swordsman approached the fountain and looked around it. A sparkling gleam caught his attention. The swordsman leaned in and scooped with his hands, drawing out something mustardy in color, very similar to weathered gold though once Yajirobe realized that what he held in his hands was an entire scoop of golden feet fillings he yelled out and flung them all over the place while stumbling back.

"Wh-What da heck's wrong with dis darned village!?" the swordsman grilled to himself. "Why wouldja even do somethin' like dat!?"

The ever-hungry swordsman turned around the village, seeing more than a handful of curtains close when he gazed at them from inside the home. Normally this village would have looked like any other place around, just another plain village of capsule homes stacked in orderly fashion though the gloomy mountain clouds and the fact that most of the capsule homes lacked any vibrant colors and only used colors on the black, white or grey or yellow spectrums took Yajirobe back a bit.

"Ey, would someone come out and talk ta me already!? I need to know a few things 'ere!" Yajirobe yelled, thrashing his hands about while yelling at thin air as no villagers as much as opened their shut blinders to look back at him. "Fine, be dat way..." the swordsman blew hot air out from the depths of his chest and tightened the belt, holding his sheathed sword in place, pulling it up a few inches. "I guess no one's stoppin' me from doing some a dis into yer fountain den? How's a stranger supposed to know what's good an' what's bad 'round dese parts anyway, right?"

Yajirobe took a leisurely hop onto the edge of the fountain and untied his belt, undoing his yukata, and moved the strap of his loincloth from his funky business area only to extend it dangling over the fountain as he focused the hose that's been plaguing him the whole evening. Before the first few sprinkles could hit the fountain, however, one of the capsule homes' doors opened up. There wasn't much sunlight breaking through the clouds, but a weathered, pale old man in raggedy clothing stumbled out with red, ring-shaped irises and an eye devoid of pupils. There were signs of rotting and decay on the man's cheeks and wherever his villager attire exposed his skin.

"Come, outsider..." the man muttered with an apathetic voice as if he barely cared about the fact that Yajirobe almost peed into this fancy gothic fountain in the middle of the village. A fact that must have been blatantly untrue since the man showed his rotten face to prevent that. Something else must have been at play here.

"Huh... You don't look too good, geezer. Don't come too much closer, ya'll get whatever ya got on me too and I don't wanna deal with any 'a dat you've got..." Yajirobe's lips pulled down as he extended his hand as a preventative gesture though the man ignored it about as well as Yajirobe ignored moral quandaries.

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